關 鍵 詞: |
證券交易法;證券交易刑法;證券交易犯罪;比例原則;平等原則;明確性原則;罪刑法定原則;罪刑均衡原則 |
中文摘要: |
證券交易法係於 1968 年制定公布、並歷經多次修正;經過四十多年的發展,其對於違反一定證券交易行為採取以刑罰制裁者,規定極為普遍。由於證券交易刑法之制定、研修,主要係由財經法學領域之學者、專家參與,鮮有刑法學界參與其間;惟此種證券交易刑法,依刑法第11 條的意旨,應遵從刑法總則的基本理論,並應符合憲法比例原則與平等原則的要求。本文之目的,乃欲從刑法學理的觀點,分析現行證交刑法之規範結構,主要包括目前證交犯罪類型與法律效果,瞭解其特性及缺失,並嘗試提出立法上之看法,裨供參考。
英文關鍵詞: |
Stock Exchange Act;Criminal law of stock exchange;Offences of stock and exchange;Proportion principle;Equal principle;Clear principle;Legal principle of crime and punishment;Balanced principle of crime and punishment |
英文摘要: |
Stock Exchange Act was made in 1968, and was revised many times. During the development of 40 years, crimes and punishment were used very wide in Stock Exchange Act. Criminal law of Stock exchange was made and revised, mainly by the scholars and experts in jurisprudence of finance and economics to participate in. However, the way to interpret Criminal law of stock exchange, is according to article 11 of the Criminal law of the Republic of China, it should observe the general principles of the Criminal law, and conform to the demands for “clear principle”, “equal principle” of Constitution. The Purpose of this article is try to analyze the structure and the standard about the Criminal law of stock exchange, to interpret and define the elements, types and punishments about offences of stock exchange, to understand its characteristics and defects , then to offer the suggestion that is helpful for the law amendment.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、我國證交刑法立法沿革 一、第 171 條 二、第 172 條 三、第 173 條 四、第 174 條 五、第 175 條 六、第 177 條 參、刑事立法基本原則與憲法人權保障 一、憲法關於基本權利保障之重要原則 二、刑法上之重要原則 肆、我國證交刑法之規範分析 一、我國證券刑法犯罪類型之整理 二、證券交易法第 171 條相關犯罪類型之分析 三、我國證交刑法之立法特性 伍、代結論-證交刑法合憲性評析 一、司法院大法官釋字 522 號解釋的宣示 二、證券交易刑法存有違憲疑義者
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