關 鍵 詞: |
公務員;公文書;公務員犯罪;公務;法定職務權限;國家任務;法治 |
中文摘要: |
刑法公務員概念適用範圍極廣,而基於刑法第 11 條的意旨,以及罪刑法定與平等原則的要求,總則同一刑法公務員之定義、要件,在適用於不同分則領域甚至其他刑罰法規時,不應有不同之解釋,也因此,在 2005 年刑法修正前,刑法公務員舊制「依法令從事於公務之人員」,由於要件太過簡略,以致實務長年來面對複雜多變的具體案情,累積出許多不合理的缺失,遂有 2005 年新制之修正。本文的目的,一方面在回顧刑法公務員概念的立法沿革,說明新修刑法公務員概念的修正過程及理由;另一方面則提出解釋新制公務員的看法,用作法界之參考。
英文關鍵詞: |
public servant;public document;offences about the public official;public duty;legal power of public duty;national mission;rule of law |
英文摘要: |
The concept of “public servant” is used very wide in the Criminal Law. Accordingt o article 11 of the Criminal Law of the Republic of China, “crimes and punishments should be stipulated legally” and “the principle of equality”, the definition of “public servant” in the general principles of the Criminal Law is suitable for dividingdif ferent types by the variety of the offense, even in other penal codes. Therefore, when we explain the term of “public servant”, there should not be different meanings. Because the definition of “public servant” in the past Criminal Law before 2005 is too simple that it has caused a lot of unreasonable mistakes in our judicial practice for a very longtim e. That is the reason which contributes to the amendment of the Criminal Law in 2005. For offering the suggestions to our judicial practice to deal with related cases, this article tries to find out the legislative transition about "public servant" of the Criminal Law.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、刑法公務員之立法沿革與新制修正始末 一、舊制刑法公務員之立法沿革 二、新制刑法公務員修正始末 三、小結 參、「臺灣刑事法學會研究版」之規劃意旨 一、歷來實務見解之特色 二、日本刑法上公務員概念 三、德國刑法上公務員概念 四、刑法公務員舊制之缺失 五、新制公務員之思考原則 六、小結 肆、代結論-從國家之任務出發 一、國家任務與法治國思想 二、機關公務員(組織公務員) 三、授權公務員 四、受託公務員
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