關 鍵 詞: |
臺灣刑法;大陸刑法;刑法總則;罪刑法定原則;罪刑均衡原則;平等原則 |
中文摘要: |
有關刑法學的發展,臺灣不僅在時間上早於大陸,實務經驗與學說理論較為豐富,整體水平而言亦較完善。惟大陸近來年因經濟之發展,各項修法進度正急於趕上其他世界各國,就刑法之修法,亦變動頻繁,修正內容有值得我們參酌省思之處。大陸刑法自 1979 年制定、1997 年修訂,經過 30 年之發展,在許多基本原則上,例如罪刑法定原則、平等原則以及罪刑均衡原則等,已漸漸與臺灣刑法制度一致。本文之目的,即藉由兩岸刑法總則基本規定之探討,深入探究其發展趨勢,以及兩岸制度上之異同;並就兩岸刑法將來之互動提出期許。
英文關鍵詞: |
Criminal law of Taiwan;Criminal law of Mainland China;General Principles of Criminal law;Legal principle of crime and punishmen;Balanced principle of crime and punishment;Equal principle |
英文摘要: |
About the development of criminal jurisprudence, Taiwan is not only earlier than Mainland China, but also the practice experience and the research results of scholars are more abundant and perfect. The Criminal law of Mainland China was made in 1979, and revised in 1997. Through the development of 30 years, on a lot of basic principles, such as “legal principle of crime and punishment”, “equal principle” and “balanced principle of crime and punishment”, etc., have already kept the same with Taiwan. The purpose of this article, with the discussion of the general principles of criminal law between Taiwan and Mainland China, then to understand the similarities and differences on the systems of two sides more deeply.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、大陸刑法之發展歷程 參、兩岸刑法典之立法沿革 肆、兩岸刑法解釋制度之比較 伍、兩岸刑法總則基本原理規定之比較 陸、結語
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