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稅法上遲到之復查決定對於訴願程序之影響(What are the Competent Authority of Administrative Appeal going to Do with the Administrative Appeal If a Tax Review is Done Afterwards)
編著譯者: 陳榮哲
出版日期: 2008.12
刊登出處: 台灣/軍法專刊第 54 卷 第 6 期/83-102 頁
頁  數: 32 點閱次數: 1765
下載點數: 128 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 軍法專刊社 授權者指定不分配權利金給作者)
關 鍵 詞: 稅務爭訟課稅處分對於違反稅法上義務之裁罰處分申請復查提起訴願遲到之復查決定
中文摘要: 我國現行稅務爭訟制度之設計,乃人民不服稅捐稽徵機關所為之課稅處分或裁罰處分時,應先依稅捐稽徵法之相關規定,向原處分機關申請復查後,如仍有不服,方得提起訴願與行政訴訟。惟,稅捐稽徵機關因種種原由,有時無法在稅捐稽徵法第 35 條第 4 項所規定之法定期間內作成復查決定,因此,稅捐稽徵法第 35 條第 5 項乃准許在此情形,人民得逕行提起訴願。又,當人民依該項規定逕行提起訴願後,此際原處分機關作成復查決定(遲到之復查決定)時,訴願管轄機關應如何處理?此為本文探討之重心。關於此問題,在思考上,首須考慮者為「類型化」,亦即,根據遲到之復查決定之類型,以決定訴願管轄機關之處理方式。然而,在探討上開問題時,在邏輯上必須先對復查制度之本質以及復查決定之性質作一釐清,方能合理解決上開問題。此外,稅捐稽徵法第 35 條第 5 項及同法第 38 條第 3 項所產生之爭議,亦值得探討。最後,本文就上開數問題,歸納出實務上不合理之處,並提出各種改進及修法建議,期能有助於我國稅法在此領域之發展。
英文關鍵詞: tax administrative reliefadministrative disposition about taxationpunitive administrative disposition taken against a person for an act in breach of his or her duty under tax lawpetition for a reviewadministrative appealtax review which is done afterwards
英文摘要: What this study wants to discuss is about the design of the system of tax administrative relief in Taiwan. In Taiwan, if someone disagree an administrative disposition about taxation or a punitive administrative disposition taken against a person for an act in breach of his or her duty under tax law which tax collection authority made, he must petition for a review to the tax collection authority firstly. And then, if he can't agree the conclusion of the review which tax collection authority made, he can file an administrative litigation. Nonetheless, tax collection authority sometimes can't complete the review in statutory period which was ruled in Article 35, Paragraph 4, of the Tax Levy Act. Hence, people will be allowed by Article 35, Paragraph 5, of the Tax Levy Act to file an administrative appeal directly. However, after people file an administrative appeal directly, tax collection authority complete the review. How does the competent authority of administrative appeal deal with? That's the main question, which this study focuses on. The resolution of the question above mentioned is “categorization". In other words, the competent authority of administrative appeal should deal with the appeal according to the content of the review which is done afterwards. Besides, the dispute caused by Article 35, Paragraph 5, of the Tax Levy Act and Article 38, Paragraph 3, of the Tax Levy Act is worthy to discuss, too. Finally, in order to better tax administrative relief in Taiwan, this study will supply some suggestions to the competent authority of administrative appeal and the lawmakers.
目  次: 壹、前言
陳榮哲,稅法上遲到之復查決定對於訴願程序之影響,軍法專刊,第 54 卷 第 6 期,83-102 頁,2008年12月。