關 鍵 詞: |
產品多角化;地區多角化;財務績效;複合式假說;集中策略假說 |
中文摘要: |
本文目的為運用中國產險公司 2005 年至 2009 年追蹤資料,檢驗產品多角化與公司績效之間是否相關。結果發現,產品多角化與公司財務績效呈顯著負相關,此意味相較於多角化策略,產品集中策略在中國產險市場更具優勢。易言之,中國產險保險人簽單業務集中程度愈高,專業化利益愈大,公司財務績效愈好。另方面,研究亦發現,地區多角化與公司績效呈顯著負相關,隱含支持集中策略假說。而且,營運地區愈集中,公司財務績效愈好。
英文關鍵詞: |
product diversification;geographic diversification;financial performance;conglomeration hypothesis;strategic focus hypothesis |
英文摘要: |
For this study, we investigated the relationship between product diversification and firm performance using the panel data from 2005 to 2009 of property-liability insurers in China. The result indicated that product diversification is negatively related to the financial performance of property-liability insurers. This implies that product focus is a superior operating strategy for insurers. In other words, whereas insurers’ product lines are more concentrated, a greater professional interest is indicative of greater financial performance of a company. Conversely, geographic diversification is also negatively related to the financial performance of property-liability insurers. This negative relation between geographic diversification and performance supports the strategic hypothesis. Moreover, while operating areas more concentrated, they improve a company’s financial performance.
目 次: |
一、緒論 二、文獻探討 三、研究假說發展 四、研究設計 五、實證結果 六、結論
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