關 鍵 詞: |
G20;歐洲聯盟;歐元區;金融體系;歐洲金融監督體系 |
中文摘要: |
G20金融高峰會議(下稱「G20」)是由重要的工業先進國家與新興工業國家的開發中國家成立於一九九九年,以定期共同討論全球經濟的高峰會議,也是目前最重要的金融穩定對話機制,尤其是二○○八年全球金融風暴後,更是凸顯了 G20 在全球經濟治理的重要性。歐盟在二○○二年一月一日正式啟用歐元,雖然目前只有十七個會員國隸屬於歐元區以歐元做為法定支付工具,但歐盟亦為 G20 的正式成員,而歐元已經成為IMF的特別提款權的儲備貨幣(美元、歐元、英鎊、日圓)之一。除歐盟外,法國、德國、英國與義大利為 G20 的創始成員,二○一一年法國為 G20 的輪值主席國,同年一月在法國坎城召開 G20 的高峰會議。本論文將檢視 G20 金融高峰會議的發展背景、歷史演進,並將研究著重於探討分析二八年金融風暴以來,為穩定歐元區的金融體系,歐盟在 G20 的架構下,著手改革歐洲金融體系,特別是形成一個單一的歐洲金融監督體系。由於 G20 已經成為一個定期舉行的全球財經論壇,因此本論文只論及至坎城高峰會議的決議,特別是對於歐元區的金融體系建構進行深入的研究。本論文最主要的研究目的,在於探究全球化的金融體系中 G20 跨國的發展對於歐元區的外在影響,以便國內對於歐元區的金融體系在全城化的潮流中有更進一步的認識。
英文關鍵詞: |
G20;European Union;Euro Area;Financial System;European Financial System |
英文摘要: |
G20 is composed of the Industrialized Countries and the Emerging Industrial Countries since 1999 regularly to discuss the global economic issues. G20 is currently also one of the most important forums for the global economic development. In particular, G20 plays a key role for the global economic governance since the global financial crisis in 2008. The Euro has been introduced since January 1st, 2002 as a legal payment instrument in the Euro Area, but only 17 member states of the EU has currently established the Euro Area. The Euro has also become one of the reserve currency of the Special Deposit Rights in the IMF. Besides France, Germany, Italy and United Kingdom, the EU is also the formal member of G20. This essay works on the development of G20 and the interaction between the G20 and the European Financial System. G20 currently plays an important role in the global economic governance. Therefore, this essay also focuses on the external influence of G20 on the development of the Financial System in the EU.
目 次: |
壹、G20 的概況 貳、二○○八年金融風暴後G20高峰會議的重要決議 參、歐盟在 G20 的立場與因應 肆、省思與展望
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