關 鍵 詞: |
憲法;憲政體制;君主立憲;以黨領政;非共化;無產階級專政;多黨競爭;憲政轉型;民主轉型;民主化 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Constitution;the constitutionalism;constitutional monarchy a single-party state;the party-state; "rule by the Party"policy、;De-communism;the "dictatorship of the proletariat";multi-party competition;Constitutional transition;Democratic transition;Democratization |
英文摘要: |
Abstract In the perspective of the constitutional system and democratic transformation, the choice that Poland and Vietnam, the former communist countries made during the peaceful transformation in the late 90s will be explored and compared in this paper; thus, the political system will be examined again with contemporary point of view. Both of the countries share the historical and economic similarity, and they both meet the need to reform; however, there are differences between them, such as what and how the reforms were led, the stability of their congresses and constitutional directions, which provides significant reasons to compare their differences.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、兩國改革背景之共通性 一、改革前均「一黨專政」而欠缺民主文化基礎且兩國均戰事連連 (一)波蘭採一黨專政之歷史背景 (二)越南採一黨專政之歷史背景 二、改革前兩國均經濟不景氣 (一)波蘭改革前民生物資欠缺歷經多次罷工衝突 (二)越南改革前年通貨膨脹高達 774 % 三、改革之抉擇均受鄰近經濟體影響且開始國際參與政治經濟逐趨穩定 (一)受歐盟影響波蘭以政治改革帶動經濟轉型 (二)受中國大陸影響越南採經濟改革帶動發展 (三)越南改革後之國際參與 參、兩國改革背景之差異 一、改革動力之差異 (一)波蘭改革動力乃由團結工聯強力驅使由下而上帶動 (二)越南乃迫於通貨膨脹由上而下透過黨之政策指導帶動改革 二、政治體制之差異 (一)波蘭採民主憲政-雙首長制 (二)越南黨政分家-仍以黨領政 三、國會體制之差異 (一)波蘭國會組成-兩院制 (二)越南國會乃黨代表大會 肆、結論
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