關 鍵 詞: |
部分工時;均等待遇原則;部分工時勞工;同工同酬 |
中文摘要: |
部分工時勞工與正職勞工間待遇的均等,長久以來為勞動法之重要問題。近年來,我國從事部分時間工作之勞工人數有增加之趨勢,因此,此問題的重要性也隨即增加,也受到許多討論。 事實上,部分工時勞工均等待遇的問題,也是日本近年來所面臨也急欲解決之重要議題。日本於 2007 年對於部分工時勞動法進行修法,一方面禁止對部分工時勞工有差別待遇,一方面在工資、教育訓練、福利設施上,課予雇主努力義務,以確保部分工時勞工與通常勞工間待遇均衡,對於部分工時勞工之保障有很大的進展。本文一方面考察日本均等待遇原則之發展,一方面對我國現況進行檢討,以提供未來法規解釋及立法之參考。
英文關鍵詞: |
Part-time Work;Principle of Equal Treatment;Part-time Worker;Equal Pay for Equal Work |
英文摘要: |
How to ensure equal treatment for part-time workers and full-time workers has been a problem faced by drafters of labor laws for a long time. In Taiwan, the number of the part-time workers has been increasing in recent years and therefore this issue has become more important and worth of more discussion. How to ensure equal treatment for part-time workers is an important issue which there was an urgent need to resolve in Japan in recent years. Japan adopted amendments to its labor laws with respect to part-time work in 2007 which prohibited the discrimination against part-time workers and imposed requirements on the employers to treat part-time workers and the full-time workers equally in terms of salary payments, education and training and welfare benefits. Such amendments resulted in great progress in protection for part-time workers. This Article will analyze the development of the Principle of Equal Treatment in Japan and examine the current situation in Taiwan for the purpose of providing a reference for the interpretation of laws and legislation in the future.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、日本部分工時勞動法與均等待遇原則之發展 一、立法背景及規定內容 二、差別待遇禁止與均衡待遇原則 參、日本學說上之討論與實際運作狀況 一、學說上的討論 二、實際運作狀況與判決 肆、對臺灣之啟示 一、臺灣之現況 二、均等待遇原則之討論與立法論之提起 三、日本立法經驗之啟示 伍、結語
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