關 鍵 詞: |
公私協力;行政與技術分立;專業技術簽證制度;國家賠償;損失補償;責任保險;賠償基金 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
public-private collaboration;division of administration and skills;professional certification system;state compensation;damage compensation;liability insurance;fund for remedy |
英文摘要: |
Public-private collaboration has become a famous doctrine in recent years, Due to the civilian participation in the governmental administration, the unified administration system led by government has become pluralistic gradually, The professional certification system derived under the division of administration and ski11s exists in few regulation systems in Taiwan, however, the right and obligation developed from the system has caused some controversies in theory and practice, This article aims to discuss the professional certification system under the framework of public-private co11alboration. The writer thinks the professional certification system shall break off relations with other similar systems, In addition, from the view point of professionals and public interests, the writer believes the government doesn’t need to take the final liability to pay compensation; and the selective testing procedure, 1iability insurance system and fund for remedy shall be adapted to compensate in the case of civilians’ loss.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、公私協力下國家責任的轉變 一、傳統的國家責任 二、公私協力下的國家責任劃分 三、本文見解 參、專業技術簽證制度建構-以建築簽證為例 一、行政與技術分立之定義 二、行政與技術分立與其他私人參與行政事務之差異 三、建築簽證制度所涉之法規 肆、921 地震之相關實務判決探討 一、相關實務見解簡析 二、本文見解 伍、建構新型態公私協力模式 一、專業技術簽證制度納入行政管制體系 二、以「抽檢」、「抽驗」制度來規範國家責任 三、以補償概念代替賠償制度 陸、結語
相關法條: |
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