關 鍵 詞: |
案件流程管理;妥速審判;正當法律程序;法學實證研究;質性研究;量化研究 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Case Flow Management;Proper and Speedy Trial;Due Process of Law;Empirical Study of Law;Qualitative Research;Quantitative Research |
英文摘要: |
This article attempts to jump off the traditional interpretation on the Law changed to the Law of empirical research to quantitative research and qualitative research, and use the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) to analyze the court the implementation of case flow management system in the financial, customers, internal processes and learning and growth the causal relationship of the four dimensions, try to construct a vision and strategy of the implementation of the new system, combined with the commencement of key performance indicators (KPI)through strategic map, to analyze the court "Criminal case flow Management" the effectiveness of the system, can achieve the various preset KPI. And results provided to the Judicial Yuan for the future extend into a system of reference. This article and hope that the introduction of a national and universal implementation in response to the public "properly with the speed of the trial" requirement (trust enhancement), and to create a reasonable judge trial, in order to create win-win.
目 次: |
1.前言 2.分析現況及問題檢討-發現研究動機與問題意識 2.1 案件增長遠大於法官員額增補 2.2 簡繁案件未分流管理,無法提升司法效能 2.3 後勤司法行政不能有效支援第一線對應民眾之審判 3.研究限制、目的與方法 3.1 研究限制及目的 3.2 研究方法 4.關於妥與速之審判 4.1 妥速審判之原理 4.2 正當法律程序與訴訟權內涵-妥速審判 5.策略及解決方案-案件流程管理 5.1 司法革新作為之「案件流程管理」制度 5.2 導入企業管理概念-SWOT 分析模式 5.3 形成願景及策略-平衡計分卡及策略地圖之運用 6.成效分析與檢討(績效評估) 6.1 量化研究 6.2 質性研究 7.結語 7.1 截流功能之界定 7.2 內部人力之調控 7.3 應備條件之養成 7.4 輪辦機制之建立 7.5 審前之特別犧牲 7.6 審前著重於量刑 7.7 修復式正義之落實 7.8 量刑共識之建立 7.9 律師參與及協助 7.10 流程說明與辦案守則 7.11 審前空間之強化
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