關 鍵 詞: |
服務貿易總協定;金融服務附件;審慎措施;金融監理;金融服務 |
中文摘要: |
「審慎措施」係國際金融法與國際經濟法上重要之概念,多數國家為整體經濟目標或保障金融市場中利害關係人之利益,經常基於「審慎」理由而採取金融監理與管制措施。本文係針對 WTO 服務貿易協定下金融服務附件中之規定,探討「金融服務貿易自由化」與「金融監理」之關係,尤其將討論焦點集中於 GATS 金融服務附件中第二條(a)項所稱之「審慎」(prudential)原則之適用爭議,何謂「審慎措施」?WTO 會員採用何種金融監管措施可符合「審慎措施」之範疇?對於「審慎措施」之實踐,倘若解釋過寬將造成 WTO 會員規避貿易自由化之承諾,但解釋過嚴則造成 WTO 會員無法有效自主執行金融監管措施,應如何界定始可避免 WTO 會員不當運用「審慎措施」而造成限制金融服務貿易之效果?平衡點為何?同時,本文以兩岸金融服務貿易市場開放及金融監理合作等問題進行研究,並對於兩岸「審慎措施」之運用現狀提出法律分析。
英文關鍵詞: |
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS);Prudential carve-out;Financial Supervision;Trade on Financial Services |
英文摘要: |
“Prudential Carve-out” is an important legal concept under international financial law as well as international economic law. Many countries adopted financial supervision and regulations, in order to ensure the integrity and stability of the financial system or the protection of investors, depositors, policy holders or persons to whom a fiduciary duty is owed by a financial service supplier. This article discusses the relationship between “liberalization of trade on financial services” and “financial supervision” under WTO/GATS and its Annex on Financial Services. The main argument of this article focuses on various legal issues of “prudential reasons” from GATS Annex on Financial Services Article 2(a), including: what is the definition of “prudential measures”? what kinds of domestic financial supervisions fulfill the scope of “prudential carve-out”? In practice, if the legal interpretation of “prudential carve-out” is too wide, it shall be used as a means of avoiding the WTO member’s commitments or obligations under GATS. However, if the interpretation is too strict, it shall be limited WTO member’s autonomy of enforcing financial supervision measures. How to avoid members abusing “prudential carve-out” and causes the restriction effects of financial services on trade? This article also analyzes and provides recommendations for the current practice of the Cross-Strait Financial Cooperation Agreement and possible issues of financial supervision in the future bilateral negotiation.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、審慎措施於 GATS 金融服務貿易下之適用 一、審慎措施(prudential measure)之定義 二、審慎措施作為 GATS 適用例外之合法性抗辯 三、審慎措施與 GATS 第 XIV 條及第 XIV bis 條之比較 參、審慎措施於兩岸經貿協議中之規範 一、兩岸金融服務貿易自由化相關規範 二、兩岸金融合作協議及金融服務監督管理機制 三、兩岸金融服務市場開放、金融監理合作及審慎措施
相關法條: |
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