關 鍵 詞: |
自白;偵訊;卷宗審判;證據開示;客觀義務;正當程序;被害人保護;裁判員制度;非法證據排除;錄音錄像制度 |
中文摘要: |
日本原有的刑事訴訟制度存在諸多的缺陷,主要表現為羈押偵訊的長期性,對自白的極端重視以及證據開示制度缺位等結構性缺陷,職業法官長期壟斷把持庭審導致裁判組織過度專業化,逐漸與民意脫節,被害人一些有益的權利嚴重缺失以及一些合理訴求沒有給予足夠關注等。由此導致日本刑事訴訟程序的人權保障功能低下,造成一些冤假錯案,日益引發民眾的不滿。21 世紀初十年,在內外因素的合力影響下,日本對本國的刑事訴訟制度進行了不間斷的改革,主要為對原有的偵訊制度有所改革,建構了證據開示制度,創設了裁判員制度。此外,為了保護被害人的基本權利,日本還於 2004 年制定通過了保護被害人基本法案。改革取得一些成效,但也存在一些不足,其成敗得失值得我們省思。
英文關鍵詞: |
confession;interrogation;trial by dossier;evidence discovery;the obligation of objectivity;due process;the protection of victims;Saibanin system;the exclusion of evidence obtained illegally;audio and video system |
英文摘要: |
There were many defects in the Japanese Criminal Procedure system in the past, including structural defects, which mainly refer to long detention and interrogation of suspects in custody overemphasizing the importance of suspects confessions, the lack of evidence discovery system, and the long-term monopolization of criminal trial by professional judges that led to the over-specialization of trial organization which then become out of touch with public opinion, accompanied by serious deprivation of the victims interests and neglect of their reasonable demands. As a result, human rights of Japanese Criminal Procedure is dysfunctional, causing some miscarriages of justice and public discontent. The first ten years of the 21st Century, as a result of both the internal and external pressures, Japan started to make a series of continuous reform of its criminal procedure system. The reform mainly focused on the reconstruction of the existing interrogation system, creation of the discovery of evidence system, and the creation of Saibanin system. In addition, in order to protect the rights of victims, Japanese government enacted the Fundamental Act on the Protection of Victims of Crime in 2004. The reform made some progress. However, there are still some drawbacks. Accordingly, success and failure of its reform is worthy of our reflection.
目 次: |
壹、日本刑訴法基本概況考察 一、組織結構的內在缺陷性 二、裁判組織的過度專業化 三、被害人權利的嚴重缺失 貳、日本刑訴法十年改革回顧 一、組織結構的完善 (一)、偵訊制度的改進 (二)、證據開示制度的制定與完善 二、裁判員制度的建構 三、保護被害人基本法案的制定 參、日本刑訴制度十年改革省思 一、省思司法制度改革的旨趣 二、省思檢察官的客觀性義務 三、省思司法制度改革的方略 四、省思手段之善與目標之善的統一 肆、結語
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