關 鍵 詞: |
收購;營業讓與;利害關係人保護;股東;債權人;勞工;投資人 |
中文摘要: |
本文主要談及公司收購中營業讓與之利害關係人保護。在企業收購之營業讓與情形下,所涉及者範圍甚廣,利害關係人包括股東、投資人、勞工及債權人等,其間所產生之利益衝突與利益分配問題,對社會造成之影響非常深遠。但是這些利害關係人之保護問題並未成為目前實務上之討論重點。本文將以企業收購下之營業讓與行為為討論中心,探討我國現行法制關於利害關係人保護之議題,包括股東、投資人、勞工及債權人方面,並就現行法對於利害關係人保護有所缺漏之處,提出個人意見。 先提出營業讓與概述,除簡述營業讓與之意義概念、相關規範及法律效果外,並論述營業讓與進行之程序,以作為後續章節探討營業讓與有關利害關係人保護法制之基礎。 接下來為營業讓與對企業內部即(股東、投資人及勞工)所造成影響之保護。股東部分分別就表決權、股份收買請求權、董事責任追究權及直接訴權四點論述;投資人部分則著重於探究公司資訊揭露之義務;勞工部分所討論者為商定留用權之適用。 再者為營業讓與對市場經營者形成影響之保護。本章著重於對債權人之事前通知程序、事後對已存在債權人之債權為連帶清償責任之規範、侵權行為債權人之保護等問題。 最後為結論,本段將總結本文之研究結果,期望能對我國企業收購中營業讓與之利害關係人保護議題有所貢獻。
英文關鍵詞: |
acquisition;assert or a business acquisition;stakeholder protection;shareholders;employee;investors;creditors |
英文摘要: |
This essay primarily discusses the stakeholder protection under transfer of business or assets in business acquisition. In cases of transfer of business or assets in business acquisition, the conflict of interests and profit distribution between the stakeholders, which include shareholders, creditors, employees and investors, have a profound impact on our society. Very unfortunately that until now the issue about the stakeholder protection hadn’t become the focal point in practice. Therefore, this thesis will focus on transfer of business or assets in business acquisition, and discuss further on the issue about the stakeholder protection which include shareholders, creditors, employees and investors. Moreover, this thesis will express more on my personal opinion about the deficiency of stakeholder protection in Taiwan’s current legal system with regard to business acquisition. Firstly, this thesis gives a overview of the transfer of business or assets in business acquisition. It not only provides a brief survey of the meanings, concepts, rules and legal effects of the transfer of business or assets in business acquisition, but also mentions the procedure about the transfer of business or assets in business acquisition. This may serve as the foundations to explore the legal systems of specific stakeholder protection in assert or a business acquisition in subsequent chapters. Secondly, this thesis researches the insiders (shareholders, employee and investors ) protection in transfer of business or assets in business acquisition. With respect to the rights to claims directors duties, my thesis will be focusing on the range of the fiduciary duty. Speaking to the part of shareholders, I will explain more about shareholders’ rights: voting rights, appraisal rights, rights to claim directors duties, and rights to bring direct actions. Talking about the investors, the point of this part is investigating the public companies’ duty to disclose information. As to the part of the employees, this thesis discusses the question of applying the employer’s right s to agree on the continuance of employment. The thesis researches the creditors protection under transfer of business or assets in business acquisition. This chapter focuses on the questions of the creditors’ notification and announcement system, joint and several liability and the protection of the creditors of torts. Finally, I will conclude all of the researches. Based on the above analysis, I hope to provide further contribution to Taiwan’s company laws.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、企業併購概述 一、合併制度概說 二、收購制度概說 三、分割制度概說 參、營業讓與制度之基本概念 肆、企業內部人之保護 一、股東之保護 二、投資人之保護 三、勞工之保護 伍、債權人之保護 陸、結論
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