關 鍵 詞: |
保護照顧義務;勞工安全衛生法;保護他人之法律;債務不履行;民法第四八三條之一;民法第四八七條之一;性別工作平等法;性騷擾 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Employer’s Duty to Care for Employee Safety and Health;Labor Safety and Health Act;Civil Code § 483-1;Civil Code § 487-1;Responsibility for Damages under the Civil Code;Gender Equality in Employment Act;Sexual Harassment;Employment Injur |
英文摘要: |
Civil Code § 483-1 was enacted and promulgated in 1999, and so the employer’s duty to care for employee safety and health becomes a statutory one. However, when the employee pursues the employer’s responsibility for damages in the legal context of an exploration of liability for non-performance of an obligation in a contract relationship under the Civil Code, it is very difficult for the employee to specify the con-tent of the violation of the duty to care for safety because Civil Code § 483-1 is very abstract. In praxis of Jurisdiction in Taiwan it seems unusual to specify the actual content of such duty on the part of the employer; neither do scholarly opinions. From the both theoretical and practical aspects, through the analyses of the relationship between Civil Code § 483-1 and the Labor Safety and Health Act and the Gender Equality in Employment Act, the relationship among Civil Code § 483- 1, § 487-1, and § 184, and the cases in Taiwan, this research will construct a framework of the actual content of the employer’s duty to care for safety.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、保護照顧義務之性質及違反的效果 一、學說爭議 二、實務見解 三、本文見解 參、保護照顧義務之具體內容 一、保護照顧義務具體內容之特定 二、與勞工安全衛生法規的關係 (一)學說見解 (二)實務見解 三、與性別工作平等法的關係 (一)學說見解 (二)實務見解 四、判決所認定之保護照顧義務之具體内容 (一)勞工安全法規或性別工作平等法有相關規定者 (二)勞工安全衛生法規等無相關規定者 五、本文見解 肆、與民法第一八四條第二項、第四八七條之一的關係 一、與民法第一八四條第二項之關係 二、與民法第四八七條之一之關係 三、本文見解 伍、日本法之現狀 一、日本法上安全配慮義務法理之概要 二、安全配慮義務之性質及違反的效果 三、安全配慮義務與勞動安全衛生法規之關係 四、安全配慮義務與男女雇用機會均等法之關係 (一)男女雇用機會均等法之概要 (二)性騷擾之防止措置義務與安全配慮義務 五、小結 陸、結語
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