關 鍵 詞: |
刑事程序武器平等;公平審判權利;質問證人權利;跨境刑事合作 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
equality of arms in criminal proceedings;right to a fair trial;right to confront witnesses;cross-border cooperation in criminal matters |
英文摘要: |
In criminal proceedings, the defence often may feel like being on at the disadvantaged side from the start, facing the prosecution as an institution with far more ressources, as far as power to collect evidence, decision-making in the proceeding or manpower etc. is regarded. However, defence lawyers may be less burdened with institutional tradition, hierarchical decision-making etc. Sometimes the allegory of the biblical story of David and Goliath is used to describe the situation. This perspective of the institutional weaker having to fight the institutional stronger, is taken when the article analyses the prerequisites of a fair trial in criminal proceedings in Europe, on the national level of state jurisdictions as well as on the European level of cross-border cooperation. The focus is on equality of arms which is a core aspect of the current European understanding of a fair criminal trial.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、公平審判權利 一、武器平等原則的意義 (一)Natunen v. Finnland (二)Jasper v. the United King-dom 二、跨國刑事法上的武器平等理念? 參、公平審判與跨境合作-以歐盟為例 一、語言 二、跨境合作之結構與挑選法院 三、國外取證:依外國法取得之證據 (一)歐洲人權法院 Stojkovic v. France and Belgium (二)假設案例 (三)德國聯邦最高法院見解 四、小結 肆、結論
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