關 鍵 詞: |
法規違憲審查;憲法法院裁判;裁判形式;裁判效力;裁判主文與理由;法律違憲宣告;警告性裁判;司法院大法官審理案件法;違憲定期失效 |
中文摘要: |
法規違憲審查為憲法法院首要建置目的及權限行使核心,憲法法院行使法規違憲審查程序,所作成之裁判類型、裁判主文宣告方式、裁判理由之形成與組構,以及裁判效力,向來為憲法訴訟法制中最棘手且爭議不止之篇章。我國大法官釋憲制度之內涵主要繼受德國法制,惟大法官憲法解釋宣告法律無效之方式與解釋效力之規定,於憲法及現行司法院大法官審理案件法皆付之闕如,由此衍生違憲法律之無效在概念及適用上應如何理解,以及大法官憲法解釋具有何等效力之相關問題。本文內容,乃體系化研究德國聯邦憲法法院法規違憲審查之裁判類型與效力之規範,並探討學理上對於聯邦憲法法院裁判實務運作所發展之問題。本文同時檢視 2013 年版大法官審理案件法修正草案相關規定內容,其已將憲法法庭裁判主文宣告方式、裁判之一般效力,以及法律違憲宣告之法效果與適用範圍明文化,俾強化人權保障與救濟可能性,而使以憲法解釋裁判化為改革目標的我國釋憲制度更趨完備。
英文關鍵詞: |
The Constitutional Court for Judicial Review;Decisions of the Constitutional Court;Formation of the Decision;Effect of the Decision;Main Content and Reason of the Decision;Declaration of the Law Incompatible with the Constitution;The Warning Decisions;The Act of Governing the Decisions of the Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuan;Periodic Expiration of Unconstitutionality |
英文摘要: |
The primary purpose and jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court is to perform the judicial review for which the interpretations, variants, decision, declaration methods, reasons, and effects explained and presented by the Constitutional Court have long been controversial in terms of the Law on Constitutional Procedure. The contents of the Constitutional Court for judicial review of the Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuan in Taiwan mainly adopted the German judicial review system. However, without proper methods of declaring and explained null and void effects of law passed, controversies and problems consequently are generated for understanding and applying the null and void issues as well as effects of the interpretations made by of the Grand Justices of the Constitutional Court for judicial review. This paper has two chief purposes. First, it will systematically examine the variants and effects of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany and theoretically explore the problems developed from practical applications of the decisions made by the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany. Second, this paper will investigate the relevant contents in the 2013 version of the Act of Governing the Decisions of the Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuan including methods of declaring the decision made by the Constitutional Court, specifications of the effect and scope of the declaration of the law incompatible with the Constitution, and the generalized effect to reinforce the guarantee of human rights and relief possibility, and to advance the goal on the reform of the Constitutional Review and Interpretations with a more complete perspective.
目 次: |
壹、本文探討範圍與客體 貳、德國聯邦憲法法院法規違憲審查裁判 一、啟動法規違憲審查裁判之程序與裁判的法定名稱 二、法規違憲審查裁判的格式 參、德國聯邦憲法法院法規違憲審查之裁判(主文宣告)類型 一、憲法與法律上的規範情況 二、裁判主文的法續造類型 肆、德國聯邦憲法法院裁判之效力 一、聯邦憲法法院裁判之效力概念 二、既判力 三、拘束力 四、法律效力 五、裁判效力上的特別規定 六、警告性裁判與合憲解釋之宣告的效力 伍、司法院大法官憲法解釋裁判化對於裁判類型與效力之改革 一、憲法法庭裁決形式上區分為裁判與不受理裁定 二、明定裁判形式與裁判書格式 三、明定法規違憲審查案件之評決與主文宣告形式 四、明定裁判之一般效力與法規違憲審查裁判之效力 五、簡評 陸、結語
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