關 鍵 詞: |
經濟憲法;權力分立;財經行政;委任立法;獨立行政機關;民主參與;證交法 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Economic Constitution;Separation of Powers;Financial and Economic Administration;Legislative Delegation;Independent Administrative Agency;Democratic Participation;Securities Law |
英文摘要: |
The financial and economic affaires are different from general administrative activities. Suddenness, internationalization and constantly change are three characteristics that make financial and economic administration possess of more discretion than other administrations. Due to theses distinguishing features, the executive power should dominate and have policy privileges in this sphere. Generally, the Parliament delegates its legislative power to financial and economic administration by a wide margin. The non-delegation idea or le parliament control more rigorously is certainly not the correct way to supervise the executive power in the financial and economic domain. In order to remedy the disequilibrium of separation of powers and the lack of democratic legitimacy, to establish independent administrative agencies and to set up the citizen participation mechanism are indispensable. Furthermore, the organization of financial and economic administrative agencies and the procedure to decide the punitive administrative measures should be reformed. The investigate unit and the decisive unite should be separated. The process of making punitive administrative measure needs to change from pure administrative procedures to quasi-judicial process. If these reforms take up its proper place, the suspicions of large legislative delegation and democratic legitimacy will be well cured.
目 次: |
壹、財經行政與權力分立 一、行政權主導 二、授權問題 貳、財經管制機關的組織設計 一、我國財經管制機關的組織模式 二、金融管制機關的組織特色 參、財經作用法的憲法要求 一、組織合法 二、程序正當
相關法條: |
相關判解: |
相關函釋: |
相關論著: |