關 鍵 詞: |
國際私法;非契約債務;最密切關連;當事人意思自主;羅馬規則 II |
中文摘要: |
本文旨在介紹歐盟於 2007 年 7 月通過的歐盟關於非契約債務準據法規則,並分別從立法意旨、適用範圍、侵權行為準據法、不當得利、無因管理、締約上過失等準據法相關規定,加以分析。其中,最密切關連地之連繫因素引入,已然成為調和傳統大陸法系選法理論僵化缺點之利器,而當事人意思自主原則在此等非契約債務領域之適用引進,更使得非契約債務之準據法決定,呈現多元主義之面貌。
英文關鍵詞: |
Private International Law;Noncontractual Obligations;Manifestly Closer Connection;Regulation Rome II |
英文摘要: |
This article tries to introduce and analyses the newest EC Regulation Rome II on the applicable law to noncontractual obligations. It discusses the considerations of this legislation, the domain of its application, the applicable law of torts/delicts, unjust enrichment, negotiorum gestio, and culpa in contrahendo. We notice that the introduction of the new connecting factor, i.e. the place of the manifestly closer connection, will harmonize the theories of conflict of laws in Civil Law system and in Common Law system. And, the resort to the principle of party autonomy in the domain of noncontractual obligations will promote a pluralistic way of theories of conflict of laws.
目 次: |
一、非契約債務規則之立法背景與立法政策 二、非契約債務規則之適用範圍 三、關於侵權行為之準據法 四、關於不當得利、無因管理與締約上過失之準據法 五、當事人意思自主原則之適用 六、共同適用規定、其他條款與施行條款 七、結論:兼論我國涉外民事法律適用法修正草案相關修正
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