關 鍵 詞: |
優先購買權;優先承買權;先買權;同樣條件;出賣通知;基地租賃;誠信原則 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Right of First Refusal;Right of Preemption;First Right to Buy;Same Condition;Notice of Sell;Lease;Good Faith Principle implementation;an apology article on a newspaper |
英文摘要: |
Right of First Refusal refers to the entitlement of priority to the person of preemptive rights, under the same condition, to purchase the land in a transaction of land(station) or building amongst three persons. Article 104 of Land Act and Article 426-2 of Civil Code both rule that, in the wake of the sale of property or land(station) by the owner, superficies holders, lien holders, and tenants are all entitled to, under same condition, the preemptive right. This article will focus on the discussion of the conditions applied in the context of Right of Preemption and its related issues, as well as the analysis of related theories and in practice.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、基地承租人是否須在基地上建有房屋 一、優先購買權之行使是否須基地之承租人在基地上建有房屋 二、基地優先購買權之立法規劃 參、出賣人與第三人間是否須以買賣契約存在為前提 一、先買權人應於何時主張優先購買權 二、出賣人與第三人之法律關係 肆、如何判斷先買權人所提出之承買條件是否相同 一、同樣條件之具體內容 二、買賣契約中之價金條件 三、買賣契約中之標的物條件 伍、如何計算優先購買權行使之法定期間 一、出賣通知之主體 二、權利人知悉出賣情事後卻長期不行使優先購買權是否視為放棄 陸、結論
相關法條: |
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