關 鍵 詞: |
食品安全;全球化;風險社會;危險犯;詐欺 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
food safety;globalization;risk society;potential damage offense;fraud |
英文摘要: |
This article aims to discuss how the criminal law works for defending food safety in global risk society. The author will analyze several different criminal paragraphs which are made use to achieve the goal of food safety. In addition, several Germany’s cases concerning food safety will be mentioned in the following discussions so that we can understand the actual functions and effects provided by criminal regulation in this field.
目 次: |
壹、食品安全 一、健康保障 二、保護免於受詐欺 貳、全球風險社會 一、風險社會 (一)風險 (二)風險刑法 (三)食品安全 (四)責任歸屬 二、全球化 (一)產銷鏈 (二)緩起訴 (三)正確資訊期待 三、刑法 (一)實害犯 (二)抽象危險犯 參、結語
相關法條: |
相關判解: |
相關函釋: |
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