  • 社群分享
行政檢查與基本權保障(Administrative Insepcetion and Fundamental Rights)
編著譯者: 郭介恒
出版日期: 2014.04
刊登出處: 台灣/法學叢刊第 59 卷 第 2 期/43-76 頁
頁  數: 34 點閱次數: 1663
下載點數: 136 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 郭介恒
關 鍵 詞: 行政檢查基本權隱私權法官保留正當法律程序舉證責任無令狀搜索
中文摘要: 行政檢查係指行政機關為達成一定行政目的,對私人所為各種資訊之蒐集活動而言。對法規範之落實及推動具有不可或缺之重要性,亦為公法秩序維持所必要。行政事務之推動,除人民之主動配合及守法外,行政機關亦有查察違法,以確保公益目的之形成。近年來,我國在環境保護及食品衛生管理之法執行上,以刑事追訴之方式進行偵查,固有助於違法證據資料之取得,以利違法之制裁,間或涉及行政事件及司法事件分界不明之可能爭議。有鑒於行政檢查涉及人民基本權保障,學理及實務均認實施行政檢查應有法律保留之適用。惟我國法制上所定行政檢查,係由機關發動,無法經由法院取得搜索票或監聽票等,致行政檢查遇有人民拒絕或規避時,僅能處予罰鍰,無法強制實施,有礙行政檢查目的之達成;相對的,行政檢查由行政機關決定發動,對人民基本權之保障是否周妥,其正當性易滋疑義,有無以司法制衡之必要,亦有待酌。本文參採美國法制,以美國食品衛生管理立法為例,探討由美國憲法出發,對行政檢查之令狀發給條件及行政機關得為無令狀搜索之相關司法判決見解,用供我國建構可行行政檢查法制之參考,以法官保留保障人民基本權,並經由法院搜索票或監聽票之發給,賦予行政機關公權力執行之強制力,以落實行政目的之達成。
英文關鍵詞: administrative inspectionprivacywarrantless searchfundamental rightdue process of lawburden of proof
英文摘要: Adminisratvie inspection is an administrative agency engaged in the activities to collect data from private sectors. Administrative inspection is essential as a tool to fullfill administrative goal and oversee illegal activities in private sectiors. However, administrative inspection could be harmful to fundamental right of the people. It is required to follow the rule of law principle in Taiwan but there is no compulsory means for an administratvie agency to enfored an administratvie inspection in such case as an individual refused to cooperate with the agency’s inspection. In recent years, cases arose from environmental protection and food safe field have been prosecuted under crinimial procedure thus the agcncy is able to collect the data with or withourt the consent of an individual after a warrant is issued by the court. The phenomenon also blurred the line between administrative case and criniminal case. In fact, criminal investigation and administrative inspection are siminal in nature and the methords used. From legal aspcet observation, they could potentially damage an individual constitutional rigth inter alia a privay right involved. According to a comparative study between U.S. and Taiwanese administrative inspection legal scheme, it is founded that U.S. has developed a series of cases under U.S. Cnostitution fourth amendment right and an administrative inspection is required to apply for a warrant from a court with some specific exception thus confer a lawful search for the administrative agency and safguard the fundamental right of an individual via check and balance of the judicial department. A warrant issued by a court would serve the purpose to assure public interest and objctive of the law enforcement as learned from U.S. experiences. It is suggested in this article that Taiwan could have revised the administrative procedure act and individual legislation in specific administrative field to allow an administrative agency to apply for a warrant from a court in order to reinfore the administrative inspection and safeguard the fundatmental right of an individual at the same time.
目  次: 壹、前言
郭介恒,行政檢查與基本權保障,法學叢刊,第 59 卷 第 2 期,43-76 頁,2014年04月。