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多元文化國下通訊傳播自由的建構(Constructing the Freedom of Communication and Broadcasting: From the Perspective of a Culturally Diversified State)
編著譯者: 許育典
出版日期: 2008.07
刊登出處: 台灣/東吳法律學報第 20 卷 第 1 期/1-60 頁
頁  數: 60 點閱次數: 1460
下載點數: 240 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 許育典
關 鍵 詞: 通訊傳播自由多元文化國自我實現文化基本權廣電自由媒體自由新聞自由中立性原則寬容原則國家通訊傳播委員會
中文摘要: 面對國內多元通訊傳播媒體的不斷發展,加上數位通訊傳播科技的快速創新,已形成電信、資訊及傳播科技的匯流趨勢,而影響新世代通訊傳播的技術發展及服務型態。這使現有通訊路徑與傳播媒介間的界線日趨模糊,導致通訊產業跨入傳播媒體,而傳播媒介的平台也可供作通訊使用。為了解決通訊與傳播整合的科技匯流問題,立法院不僅制定通訊傳播基本法,且依據該法第 3 條第 1 項組織授權的規定,公布施行了通傳會組織法,並在行政院設立了通傳會。而因為立法院公布的通傳會組織法規定,涉及侵犯行政院的人事權力核心,大法官在釋字第 613 號解釋宣告通傳會組織法違憲的同時,也簡短解釋了通訊傳播自由的內涵,認為:「憲法第 11 條所保障之言論自由,其內容包括『通訊傳播自由』……。」在此,大法官首次提出並確立通訊傳播自由為我國憲法的基本權保障,並確認了通訊傳播自由的憲法保障依據為憲法第 11 條的言論自由。以下,本文嘗試從促進多元通訊傳播媒體開展的多元文化國出發,建構多元文化國下保障通訊傳播自由的憲法原則;其次,再從釋字第 613 號解釋所採的基準,嘗試探討通訊傳播自由的基本權保護範圍,從而釐清通訊傳播自由的構成要件;接著,透過通訊傳播自由作為基本權功能的作用方式,建構通訊傳播自由的基本權保護法益,型塑通訊傳播自由在我國憲法的保障內涵;最後,提出本文的結論及建議,希望藉此奠定通訊傳播法制的基礎。
英文關鍵詞: Freedom of Communication and BroadcastCulturally Diversified StateSelf-fulfilmentthe Basic Right of CultureBroadcasting and Television FreedomMedia Freedom, Freedom of the PressPrinciple of NeutralityNational Communications Commission
英文摘要: As the ceaseless development of domestic diversified broadcasting and communication medias continues, coupled with the rapid innovation of digital broadcasting and communication technology, there is a recognized tendency of confluence of telecommunication, information and broadcasting technology, which in turn will affect the development of technology and the form of service in the new generation of telecommunication and broadcast. This trend will render the line between the existing means of telecommunication and those of broadcast more and more blurred, and will also render the telecommunication industry easily join the market of broadcasting industry and share the platform of telecommunication and broadcast. In order to solve the confluence problem of the integration of telecommunication industry and broadcasting industry, the Legislative Yuan not only enacted the Basic Law of Telecommunication and Broadcast, but also create the National Communications Commission of the Executive Yuan under the statutory authorization of Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the said law and the Organic Law of National Communications Commission enacted thereunder. However, owing to the Organic Law of National Communications Commission enacted by the Legislative Yuan infringing the nominating authorities of the Executive Yuan, it was held unconstitutional by the the Judicial Yuan’s Interpretation No. 613. Besides, in the Interpretation No. 613, the Constitutional Court concisely explained the meaning of freedom of communication and broadcast by stating that, “The freedom of speech guaranteed by Article 11 of the Constitution includes the ‘freedom of communication and broadcast’”. It is the first time the Grand Justices of the Constitutional Court recognize that the freedom of communication and broadcast falls into the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution and identify its constitutional basis of the freedom of speech under Article 11 of the Constitution. Accordingly, from the perspective of facilitating the development of diversified telecommunication and broadcasting media in a culturally diversified state, this Article attempts to construct the constitutional principle of protecting the freedom of communication and broadcast in a culturally diversified state. Then, this Article attempts to discuss the scope of the freedom of communication and broadcast as a fundamental right and to clarify its elements under the basis of the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 613. And then this Article attempts to construct the protected interests of the freedom of communication and broadcast and to sculpture its constitutional protection as a fundamental right. Finally, this Article will provide suggestions to fully establish the constitutional basis of the telecommunication and broadcasting law.
目  次: 壹、前言
許育典,多元文化國下通訊傳播自由的建構,東吳法律學報,第 20 卷 第 1 期,1-60 頁,2008年07月。