關 鍵 詞: |
祭祀公業;優先購買權;優先承購權;出賣通知;同樣條件;共有;公同共有;應有部分;地上權 |
中文摘要: |
本文擬以一件有關處分祭祀公業土地之系列判決,探討優先購買權行使時之相關問題。因本件權利人係依土地法第一百零四條第一項地上權人地位及第三十四條之一共有人地位為重疊之合併主張行使優先承買權,故於整理各當事人歷審主張後,以下本文將探討其中所涉及之主要法律爭點,包括 一、土地法第一百零四條第一項及第三十四條之一所共通涉及之問題,包括(一)先買權人主張優先購買權之時點為何?(二)出賣通知之內容及方式為何? 二、僅土地法第一百零四條第一項規定所涉及之問題,包括(一)先買權人行使優先購買權之依據為何?(二)優先購買權行使之前提?(三)先買權人行使優先購買權之標的物範圍為何? 三、僅土地法第三十四條之一條規定所涉及之問題,包括(一)共有人依多數決規定處分共有土地時,他共有人得否主張優先承購權?(二)公同共有土地出售時,共有人如何主張優先承購權?
英文關鍵詞: |
Ancestral Memorial Property;Right of First Refusal;Right of Preemption;Notice of Sell;Same Condition;Co-Ownership;common by all the partners;the proportion of the co-owners;Superficies right |
英文摘要: |
This paper will discuss Land Law Article 104 Item 1 and Article 34-1, based on a series of ruling on an Ancestral Memorial Property case and will examine the exercising of the Right of First Refusal for the party with the surface right and the co-owners of a property. After examining the legal point of view of this case, this paper will further discuss the following issues: Issues related to Land Law Article 104 Item 1 and Article 34-1,the paper will discuss timing of the exercising of the preemptive right by the person who has the preemptive right, and execution of the Notice of Sell Strictly pertaining to the Articles as per mentioned above;Issues related to Land Law Article 104 Item 1, the paper will discuss the details of the acquisition target included in the Right of First Refusal, if the Right of First Refusal valid for assertion only when the party with superficies right begins construction above ground, and the specific area of land that the party with the superficies right can assert the Right of First Refusal;Referring to Article 34-1,the paper will discuss that when one of the co-owners of the property sells his/her share of the co-owned property, is/are the other co-owner(s) able to assert his/her Right of First Refusal?
目 次: |
壹、案例事實 貳、土地法第一百零四條第一項及第三十四條之一所共通涉及之問題 一、先買權人主張優先購買權之時點 二、出賣通知之內容及方式 參、土地法第一百零四條第一項所涉及之問題 一、先買權人行使優先購買權之依據 二、優先購買權行使之前提 三、先買權人行使優先購買權之標的物範圍 肆、土地法第三十四條之一所涉及之問題 一、共有人依多數決處分共有土地時,他共有人得否主張優先承購權 二、公同共有土地出售時如何主張優先承購權 伍、結論
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