關 鍵 詞: |
保險契約;保險單;保險電子商務;電子簽章 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
insurance contract;insurance policy;e-commerce of insurance;electronic signatures |
英文摘要: |
Electronic insurance policy is an important milestone in the developing of Ecommerce in insurance. The relaxation in current insurance regulation will benefit the operation of E-commerce in insurance. Insurance policy, by definition, is a contract indicating rights and responsibilities of the stakeholders involved. The mutual consensus is fundamental of an insurance policy and it makes insurance contract in force. While the mutual consensus can be presented in the form of an E-signature, which is conforming to the Electronic Signature Law, but it cannot be necessary constrained as the only solution. This paper mainly discusses how electronic insurance policies been established, and the right and responsibility among policyholders, insurers, and beneficiaries. Furthermore, the relaxation of the insurance regulation makes the insurance industry to further diversify their business, and in the meantime, brings more value creation to the consumers.
目 次: |
一、序言 二、電子保險單之意義與功能 (一)保險電子商務概況 (二)電子保險單之意義 (二)電子保險單之種類 (三)電子保險單之功能 三、數位化保險服務之芻議 四、電子保險單之風險控制 五、結語
相關法條: |
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