關 鍵 詞: |
最優惠條款;電子書;合理原則;當然違法;蘋果電腦 |
中文摘要: |
所謂的最優惠條款(most-favored-nation c1ause),或稱相同條件(parity)條款。典型的最優惠條款,是賣方承諾,對買方的待遇,會比照其最優惠的客戶;或者顛倒過來,買方承諾,其將比照給其他賣方的價格,付給賣方。美國聯邦司法部從 2010 年開始關注最優惠條款,進行調查並起訴。其中有兩個受到高度關注的案件,分別被司法部正式起訴,一件是密西根州商業健保案,一件是蘋果電腦與五大出版社共同協議電子書價格案。尤其第二個案件,受到各方高度關注,最後並被判決構成聯合行為。本文研究指出,單純在契約中採取最優惠條款,本身並無問題,但其有時可能會產生限制競爭效果,但也有促進競爭效果。因此,若認為採取最優惠條款可能違反競爭法,應採取合理原則進行審查。本文也分析了我國公平會處分書中,涉及最優惠條款的案例。
英文關鍵詞: |
Most-Favored-NationC1ause;E-book;Ru1e of Reason;per se Il1ega1;Apple Computer |
英文摘要: |
The U.S. antitrust agencies have turned the spotlight on the most-favored-nation clause(MFN).Under an MFN, one party to a transaction promises to give the other party at 1east as favorab1e contractual terms as it gives to any other counterparty. Since 2010, the Department of Justice in the U.S. has litigated two high-profile cases that challenge the use of MFNs in the health insurance and e-book industries. On July 10, 2013, the District Court for the Southern District of New York found Apple had committed a per se Sherman Act violation by conspiring with the publishers to eliminate retail price competition and raise e-book prices. Our survey of the economics literature shows that MFN provisions can either promote competition or harm it. Indeed, they may do both in any particular industry setting. This paper suggests that we should use rule-of-reason scrutiny to review MFNs. We also search for Taiwan Fair Trade Commission decisions to find out whether MFNs existed in these transactions and analyze how the Commission treated them.
目 次: |
一、前言 二、密西根州藍十字商業健保案 (一)事實 (二)薛曼法第 1 條的各種要件 (三)小結 三、蘋果電腦與五大出版社電子書案 (一)事實背景 (二)法院判決 (三)小結 四、最優惠條款之競爭法分析 (一)最優惠條款之類型 (二)是否擁有市場力量 (三)反競爭效果 (四)促進競爭效果 (五)綜合衡量 五、臺灣案例分析 (一)賣場對消費者保證最低價 (二)中油與台塑對加油站之保證最低價 (三)供貨商保證電視購物台的售價最低 (四)要求銷售手機之待遇不得低於其他公司 六、結論
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