關 鍵 詞: |
平埔族;西拉雅;愛奴民族;原住民族;文化認同;原住民族自治 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Plains Indigenous Peoples;Siraya;Ainu;Indigenous Peoples;Identity;Indigenous Self-Rule |
英文摘要: |
Taiwan has many indigenous peoples since thousands years ago. Accompany with the external immigrant migrated into Taiwan, and established the political power; society also assimilated the culture of indigenous peoples in the same time. Through many hundred years, indigenous peoples lost their identity gradually. Many indigenous began to return their national consciousness until these resent thirty years. But the indigenous peoples who were assimilated seriously always met obstacles when they contact with the government. Does Country have power to decide groups of people are indigenous people or not? What are the regulation purposes when Country regulates who are the indigenous people and who are the members of indigenous people? This article compares with the degree of Ainu nation were assimilated, and how this people rehabilitated their right. This article finds the assimilation extent between Ainu and Plains indigenous people are very similar, and both of them have very strong culture identity. While Ainu were recognizes as an indigenous people by Japanese government in 2008, a lot of Plains indigenous peoples are still exerting. When we are thinking should Country need to help these peoples or not, the Japanese experience is worth us to consult. Siraya nation has all of the characteristics of indigenous people; government, base on multiple-culture, should recognize its indigenous status. Especially when other peoples argue its legitimacy, courts also have opportunity to make judgments. These judgments can correct the error when a group of people is not indigenous in the nature. Therefore, this article concludes we can accept notification system when we judge a group is indigenous or not. Besides, when we judge a person is an indigenous or not, we can use private regulation, indigenous people can make decisions by themselves.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、愛奴民族與日本社會 一、文化的歧異 二、當愛奴民族遇上日本國 三、歧視與偏見 四、愛奴民族的自我認同與復權 (一)受壓抑的認同 (二)曙光再現的認同? 五、愛奴民族的保護政策 (一)民族認同覺醒後保護政策的推動 (二)保護政策的現狀及日本學理上的建議 參、原住民保護政策概念的釐清 一、認同的意義 二、國家保護政策的界線 肆、反思臺灣:在為權利奮鬥中的「原住民族」 一、看完愛奴,想想臺灣 二、以認同做為族群政策的開端 三、國家對民族群體及個人的管制 (一)對民族的管制 (二)對民族成員的管制 伍、結語
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