關 鍵 詞: |
依法行政;地方自治;公務員;職級和薪級表;特別權力關係;贍養原則;公務人員保障暨培訓委員會 |
中文摘要: |
憲法第 18 條規定人民有服公職之權利,旨在保障人民有依法令從事公務,暨由此衍生享有之身分保障、俸給與退休金請求等權利。國家則對公務人員有給予俸給、退休金等維持其生活之義務。憲法上之法律保留原則乃現代法治國原則之具體表現,不僅規範國家與人民之關係,亦涉及行政、立法兩權之權限分配。地方自治為憲法所保障之制度。地方自治團體在受憲法及法律規範之前提下,享有自主組織權及對自治事項制定規章並執行之權限。本文擬就公務人員保障暨培訓委員會復審決定書 102 公審決字第 0330 號為例,以就公務員法制加給之限制與保障為中心,分別就依法行政與 地方自治,進行分析討論。
英文關鍵詞: |
Rule of law;Local self-government;Civil Service;scale of rank and pay;Special Power Relationship;the financial support principle;Civil Service Protection and Training Commission |
英文摘要: |
Article 18 of the Constitution provides that citizens shall have the right to engage in public services. Its purpose is to ensure citizens who engage in public service in accordance with the law the right to protect [their job] status, along with the entitlement of salary and pension derived from such services. The State is obligated to provide remuneration and pension to its civil servants to support their livelihood.The modern principle of a constitutional state is specifically manifested by the principle of legal reservation under the Constitution. Not only does it regulate the relations between the state and the people, but it also involves the division of powers and authorities between the executive and legislative branches.Local self-government is a system guaranteed by the Constitution. A local self-governing body shall have the autonomous power of internal organization and the authority to formulate rules and regulations in respect of self-governing affairs and implement the same on the premise that such power and authority are subject to the Constitution and the laws.This paper on the protection of the Civil Service Protection and Training Commission Committee to review the written decision No. 102 word summary trial of No. 0330 as an example, in order to limit and protect the civil legal system of scale of rank and pay to discuss in rule of law and local self-government.
目 次: |
壹、問題提出 貳、俸給、法定加給之法律概念與規範分析 一、公務員關係下之權利與義務 二、俸給法定原則 三、法定加給與法律保留 四、法定加給實務問題分析 參、依法行政與專業加給表之限制 一、再授權禁止原則之檢討 二、牴觸公務人員俸給法之檢討 三、法律明確性原則之檢討 四、平等原則之檢討 五、信賴保護原則之檢討 肆、地方自治之自主與專業加給表之限制 一、地方自治之根基與權限 二、地方人事權 三、地方自主組織權 四、地方自治與人事、俸給制度之分權化 五、專業加給表之限制與地方組織自主權之侵害 伍、結語
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