關 鍵 詞: |
太陽花學運;民營電廠公平法罰鍰判決;關廠工人判決;小林村滅村國賠案;市價徵收補償 |
中文摘要: |
本文透過行政法總論的四大體系內容,觀察並分析 2014 年司法院大法官相關解釋,最高行政法院決議與裁判,立法院新通過或修正之法律以及行政實務上最為重要的社會議題,包含兩岸服貿協定所引發之太陽花學運,關廠工人行政法院裁判,九家民營電廠受鉅額罰鍰處分案,小林村國家賠償案件及市價補償命令之規定等。
英文關鍵詞: |
Sunflower Student Movement;judgments of the penalties imposed on independent power producers according to the Fair Trade Act;judgment of the labor loan dispute;Hsiao-Lin Village state compensation case;Market Value Compensation |
英文摘要: |
This article will focus on contents of the four general administrative law systems: general principles, administrative organization law, administrative action law, and administrative remedies law. In order to introduce and review important events regarding to administrative law in year 2014, this article will observe and analyze Judicial Yuan interpretations, such as the high-profile dispute on deducting the amount of money that apply to civil service insurance old-age benefit preferential deposit rate. Moreover, this article will also review seven judgments and resolutions issued by the Supreme Administrative Court, recently passed or amended acts, the future of non-departmental public bodies, and the important social issues in administrative practice. The social issues mentioned above are the Sunflower Student Movement triggered by the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement, the labor loan dispute, the grand penalties imposed on nine independent power producers, the Hsiao-Lin Village State Compensation Case, and the amended provision in the Land Expropriation Act that demands market value compensation.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、行政法之基本概念與原理原則 一、公法與私法之區別 二、行政法之法源 三、行政法之一般原理原則 四、裁量與不確定法律概念 五、行政法律關係之承繼 六、公法上權利(利益)與反射利益 參、行政組織法 一、行政法人之推動 二、行政機關之管轄權 三、公物法 四、公務員法 五、地方制度法 肆、行政作用法 一、行政命令 二、行政處分 三、行政契約 四、行政處罰 五、行政執行 六、行政事實行為 七、行政程序 伍、行政救濟法 一、訴願 二、行政訴訟 三、國家賠償 四、損失補償 陸、結論
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