關 鍵 詞: |
量能原則;量能課稅;累進稅率;社會國原則;間接稅;稽徵經濟 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Ability to Pay Principle;Ability to Pay Tax Principle;Progressive Tax Rate;the Principle of Social State;Indirect Taxes;the Tax Economy |
英文摘要: |
On “Ability to pay tax principle” in terms of the development of the situation, theoretical and practical (especially the Department of Grand Justices interpretation) now have recognized the principle of the existence of the principle, and then, what’s the relation between the principles and the law principle of taxation? How to deal with the fact, that is correspond to the elements of tax. The literature seems to have no detailed discussion and explanation. And how the principle of “Ability to pay tax principle” on specifi c operations on the contentious taxes should operate on the analysis of empirical data are not optimistic. Therefore, this article deals with “Ability to pay tax principle” in the title, in relation to the connotation and operate on the principle of action for the observed objects in order to continue the process by the principle of minimizing the related disputes or problems, and then in furtherance for taxpayers basic human rights to be maintained.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、量能課稅原則基本內涵及其理論依據之說明 一、量能課稅原則之基本內涵 二、量能課稅原則之理論依據 參、累進稅率與量能課稅原則 一、累進稅率與社會國原則有關 二、累進稅率並非必然與量能課稅原則無涉 肆、量能課稅原則之適用範圍與界限 一、量能課稅原則與間接稅 二、量能課稅原則與稅捐優惠 伍、量能課稅原則於我國稅捐爭訟之運用情形 一、量能課稅原則之開創適用 二、以量能課稅原則檢視相關規定內涵 三、認定「量能課稅」與「稽徵經濟」兩相衝突 陸、量能課稅原則之法律定位 柒、結論
相關法條: |
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