關 鍵 詞: |
黨國體制;一黨統治;總統;國民黨;民進黨 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Party-state System;One Party Ruling;President;KMT;DPP |
英文摘要: |
Since the Period of National Mobilization for the Suppression of the Communist Rebellion terminated, the ROC has experienced seven Constitution reforms. However, no matter which party, either the KMT or the DPP, wins the Presidential election, in practice, the President still has to exercise his constitutional power through effectively dominating the ruling party, including being the chairman of the party. In order to clarify the reason why the president has to do so, this study conducts a historical review on the legal framework of the KMT party-state system. The legal framework of the party-state system aims mainly at achieving military goal, so it is against democracy. In the Constitution era, the party-state system remains effective based jointly on the Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of National Mobilization for the Suppression of the Communist Rebellion and the so-called indefinite extended-term Congress. To review the current political system for the future constitution reform, this study provides a historical analysis of developments of party-state system to improve understandings of its background.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、行憲前的黨治經驗 一、軍政時期 二、訓政綱領時期 三、訓政約法時期 四、抗戰時期 參、戰後時期的黨治轉型 一、制憲階段的挑戰 二、憲法本文的去黨治化 三、動員戡亂時期臨時條款的黨治色彩 肆、黨治政治的延續與檢討 伍、結論
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