關 鍵 詞: |
多層級治理;環境聯邦主義;歐盟環境法;環境犯罪;環境執法 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Multi-level Governance;Environmental Federalism;EU Environmental Law;Environmental Crime;Environmental Enforcement |
英文摘要: |
In many larger jurisdictions, either the US or Europe, but increasingly also in mainland China, the question is asked how one should regulate the division of labour between the central level and decentralized levels. In all these cases the question arises whether environmental law should better be regulated at central level or at a more decentralized level and which arguments plead in favour of the one or the other solution. It is the question that is sometimes referred to as environmental federalism. In this contribution, it tries to sketch problems that occur in the regulation of environmental law in a multijurisdiction perspective. The issue of how to regulate environmental law in a multi-disciplinary perspective will be addressed. A theoretical as well as a practical approach will be used. This will be done by focusing on the one hand on the theory on how environmental harm should be regulated in a multi-level governance perspective; on the other hand, also a practical/policy approach will be followed by showing the interdependencies between the European level and the Member States, but also the practical problems that have arisen, more particularly as far as implementation is concerned.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、理論:多層級治理架構下如何規範環境危害 一、環境聯邦主義理論 二、外部性(externality)的跨界特性 三、競相趨劣 四、其他論點 (一)競爭條件統一 (二)交易成本降低 (三)環境保護的最低水準 五、小結 參、實踐:歐盟 一、歐盟國家的履行 (一)法院的角色 (二)統一的標準與手段 (三)歐盟經濟整合與會員國環境保護的衝突 二、政策分析 (一)公平的競爭環境 (二)遊說設立嚴格標準 (三)歐盟擴張的影響 肆、強制會員國履行 一、履行上的不足 二、邁向歐洲環境刑法 (一)歷史 (二)環境犯罪指令 (三)有效及勸誡的處罰 (四)有效性? 伍、結論
相關法條: |
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