關 鍵 詞: |
瑕疵行政處分之補救;行政處分之轉換;行政處分之補正;行政處分理由之追補;行政處分之變更;轉換主體;轉換要件;轉換程序;瑕疵轉換之法律效果 |
中文摘要: |
行政程序法實施 10 年以來,對於行政處分轉換規定之適用,雖然在實務上並不多見。惟從行政處分之轉換規定的意義-公益之維護與行政目的之達成、法律安定性與當事人權益之確保、處分效力之不中斷、法定期間之不逾越-與補救瑕疵行政處分體系的完備性-補充行政處分之變更與行政處分理由之追補的不足-以觀,應認為此一制度仍有存在之必要。而行政程序法第 116 條雖應予以保留,但在與德國法比較之下,或施行 10 年以來,就其在適用上所產生之問題,則仍有檢討是否應予以修正的必要。本文在針對該條所規定之內容-轉換之主體、轉換之要件、轉換之程序-,及該條未規定之瑕疵轉換之法律效果,依序檢討後,最後共提出三個修正版本。
英文關鍵詞: |
remedying of an unlawful administrative disposition;conversion of an administrative disposition;healing of an administrative disposition;supplement of reasons of an administrative disposition;change of an administrative disposition;subject of conversion;main elements of conversion;process of conversion;legal effect of unlawful conversion |
英文摘要: |
It was ten years ago since the Administrative Procedure Act came into force. During this time was the article about conversion of an administrative disposition rarely to apply in practice. But this article has many meanings-to protect the public interest and to reach administrative purposes, to ensure legal stability and the parties' interests, disposition effect without interruption, the statutory period may not to be crossed-and can complete the system to remedy unlawful administrative disposit ions-to supply the lack of change of an administrative disposition and supplement of reasons of an administrative disposition-, therefore this system shall be retained. While Article 116 of the Administrative Procedure Act shall be retained, in contrast with law in Germany or with respect to the problem in past ten years by applying this article, it is still necessary to review whether it shall be amended. After the subject of conversion, the main elements of conversion, the process of conversion, the legal effect of unlawful conversion one by one were reviewed, finally three versions for amending are brought forth.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、行政處分之轉換規定的存廢 參、行政處分之轉換規定的檢討 肆、結論-行政處分之轉換規定的修正建議
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