關 鍵 詞: |
證交所主體;公私合營事業;公權力委託;部分權利能力;公營造物組織法 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Börsenträger;public-private joint management;the delegation of the exercise of public authority;partial legal capacity;Anstaltsorganisationsrecht |
英文摘要: |
Due to the diversity of administrative legal relationships and changes in the way in which administrative tasks are performed, it is getting harder to characterize administrative organizations. This article examines the Taiwan Stock Exchange to analyze the relevance of an administrative entity to its performance of the right to organization, taking the German legal system as a point of reference. The orientation of Taiwan Stock Exchange can be divided into two aspects: establishing the subject (entity) and the market organization to be established, and managing responsibility and managing activity. The traditional delegation of the exercise of public authority is limited to a few authorities to be transferred and it no longer accords with the demands of the developing reality. Thus, formation of the system of subject delegation can offer examples of regulating the relationship between the subject of the Taiwan Stock Exchange and its organization. This article argues that Taiwan Stock Exchange should be viewed from two perspectives. The subject (entity) of the Taiwan Stock Exchange which established a trading floor as prescribed by law has the legal responsibility to maintain the normal functioning of the market. At present the Taiwan Stock Exchange is a state-run business with public-private joint management. The Taiwan Stock Exchange should be orientated as an administrative entity with partial legal capacity and should exercise public authority within the scope of the normal functioning of the market. The Taiwan Stock Exchange and its proposed way of holding can be explained as a new feature of the delegation of the exercise of public authority. The study concludes that the Taiwan Stock Exchange represents an overlap of the organic act of administration and economical administrative law and must be explored further.
目 次: |
壹、問題意識 一、行政組織法律關係與證交所 二、從欣凱公司案談起 三、德國 1902 年「證交所之爭」的啟示 貳、公用事業之主體與組織 一、證券交易所的雙重意義 二、公用事業主體與組織之區辨 三、行政委託概念的變革 參、證交所主體之法律地位 一、證交法特許制度:他有公營造物 二、特許之法律效果 肆、證交所組織之法律形式 一、組織形式選擇之爭議 二、獨立性程度:部分權利能力 三、內部機關與任務權限之分配 伍、結論與展望
相關法條: |
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