關 鍵 詞: |
傳聞同意;傳聞例外;對質權;異議;公正審判 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Hearsay Consent;Hearsay Exception;Right to Confront;Objection;Fair Trial |
英文摘要: |
Since 2003 the legislative and the judicial identify hearsay admission as a hearsay exception, many problems need to be clarified. After introducing development of the residual hearsay exception as well as evidential objection, this study explores the rationales behind the ROC Supreme Court cases from the American legal perspectives, and points out myths of the judicial practices in areas of how to admit or withdraw hearsay evidence, the scope, element, effect of admission, the notice and objection rules, based upon the premise that hearsay admission not be a hearsay exception. While recognizing hearsay admission does not belong to the concept of hearsay exception, the underlying theory of the right to confront does not apply to hearsay admission.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、我國實務發展 一、明示同意 二、擬制同意 三、適用限制 參、美國聯邦證據規則之傳聞補遺法則 一、傳聞陳述之定義與範圍 二、補遺例外之必要性與真實性要件 三、事先通知 肆、美國證據異議制度 一、以當事人進行主義為基礎 二、原判決撤銷標準 伍、比較法分析檢討 一、審判模式與法院發現真實義務的差異分析 二、傳聞陳述範圍與作用之比較分析 三、我國實務見解之檢討 (一)同意之方式 (二)同意之範圍 (三)同意之適當性要件 (四)明示同意之撤回 (五)同意之效力 (六)擬制同意之定位 (七)同意效果之告知義務 (八)擬制同意之異議時點 (九)擬制同意之追復 (十)適用之限制 陸、結論
相關法條: |
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