關 鍵 詞: |
消費關係;消費訴訟;平等原則;團體訴訟;選定當事人 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Protect the Right of the Customer;Act of Customer-Protect;Civil Law;Civil-procedure-Code;Customer-protectaction |
英文摘要: |
In order to protect the right of the customer that the legislator has ratify the Act of Customer-Protect. The nature of the Act of Customer-Protect is not uniform, it contain the special rules of Civil Law, Civil-procedure-Code and administrative laws. According to the Rules of the Act of Customer-Protect the qualify-organization can raise an Action against the business for the customer to demand damage. But, what is a customer-protect-action? The mean of customer-protect-action and the relation between the Act of Customer-Protect and the Civil-procedure-Code is not clear. By the way, the rules of the Act of Customer-Protect are not perfect. This paper aims to those questions and try to raise a solution.
目 次: |
壹、消費者保護訴訟與民事訴訟之關係 一、消費者保護案件之定義 二、消保訴訟理論上應具備之特質 三、消保法關於消保訴訟之規定與民事訴訟法之關係 貳、消費訴訟之種類 一、消保法之「團體訴訟」 二、選定當事人之訴訟(訴訟擔當) 參、結語
相關法條: |
相關判解: |
相關函釋: |
相關論著: |