關 鍵 詞: |
關係人;法人格獨立性;海外子公司;公開發行公司;證券交易法第一七一條;最終受益人 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Affiliates;Held under the Names of Other Parties;Beneficiary Owner;Cross-Shareholding between Controlling Company and its Subordinate Company;Civil;Criminal and Administrative Liability |
英文摘要: |
Provisions involving the affiliate or related party are frequently appear in financial regu1ations such as the Organic Act Governing the Establishment of the Financial Supervisory Commission, the Securities and Exchange Act, the Banking Act, the Insurance Act, the Financial Holding Company Act, the Futures Trading Act, the Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act, the Act Governing Bills Finance Business, the 1auses of the Real Estate Securitization Act, and other legal orders and administrative rules. The term of affiliate or related party is not unified and its provisions are at variance. However, as one of the legal subjects, a affiliate or related party shall bear civil, criminal, and administrative liabilities once it is interpreted as falling into the scope of relevant provisions. This uncertainty put affiliate or the party at risk and the Grand Justices even viewed some of the practices as unconstitutional. Hence, to further clarify the scope and practice of the affiliate or related party in financial regulations, this study will research and analyze relevant laws and cases from Taiwan and foreign countries, hoping to provide some solid advice.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、現行金融管理法規關係人範圍之規定 一、公開發行股票公司內部人員之關係人範圍包括配偶、未成年子女、利用他人名義持有及其他之關係人 二、主管機關行政檢查權之範圍之關係人範圍包括金融機構之負責人與職員及依公司規定之關係企業 三、金融機構股權管理之大股東適格性與其他有關管理之規範,其大股東認定包括本人、配偶、二親等以內之血親,及以本人或配偶為負責人之企業 四、財務會計準則公報第六號係訂定企業財務報表對於關係人交易之揭露準則所定關係人範圍 五、主管機關指定或委託會計師辦理對金融機構及發行人檢查或查核對象之關係人範圍 參、美日金融管理法規關係人範圍之立法例 一、美國金融管理法規關係人之規定 二、日本金融商品交易法關係人之規定 肆、金融管理法規關係人範圍是否應統一規範 一、關係企業控制性股權之範圍 二、自然人之關係人親屬親等範圍 三、利用他人名義與被利用名義之範圍 伍、金融管理法規關係人範圍應否以法律明定 一、以母子公司交叉持股禁止刑事責任之沿革為例 二、關係人範圍應以法律或法律明確授權之法規命令明定 陸、海外子公司是否有證券交易法第一七一條第一項第一款至第三款之適用 一、海外子公司並非已依證券交易法發行有價證券之公司 二、司法實務案例認為海外子公司為獨立之法人主體 三、跨國企業母公司設置海外子公司旨在區隔法律責任與經營風險 四、犯罪主體之關係人之範圍應嚴格遵行罪刑法定與構成要件明確之原則 柒、結論與建議
相關法條: |
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