關 鍵 詞: |
基因轉殖;基改魚;生命科技;行政管制;食品安全;預防原則;風險控管 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
GMO;Transgenic Fish;Biotechnology;Administrative Regulation;Food Safety;Precaution;Risk Assessment |
英文摘要: |
From the legal views on transgenic fish, people who propose this new technology and industry had won the battle at the first ground while the conservative party successfully stepped into halt the approval process for human consumption. The existing imperfect or default regulations on transgenic fish, no matter how the negative impacts on human health or the enviromnent, almost set a free trade market to support the research or industrialization of GMO fish. As a leading country to the rest of the world, the United States open the free market for the fluorescent ornamental transgenic fish without any further concerned the negative risks of the environment. So as the same judgments for releasing transgenic salmons into the wild natural based on the reasons of absence of evidence to have clear and important negative environmental risks. As a result, all the transgenic plants and animals into a laissez-faire market that leading people have been changed their life style forever. Whether it is right or not, it should have fair and equal review at this issue thoroughly after several generations past.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、基改魚的應用效益 參、釋放基改魚對自然環境的風險 一、基改魚對自然生態的威脅 二、隔離管制基改魚 三、釋放基改觀賞魚 肆、基改魚食品安全與風險承擔 一、基改作物食品存在危險 二、動物新藥審查基改魚食品 三、基改魚食品安全評估 伍、我國對基改魚的管制與因應 一、基改觀賞魚 二、基改魚食品安全評估 陸、結論
相關法條: |
相關判解: |
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相關論著: |