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私法形成之行政處分及其救濟-以計程車客運服務業申請核准經營辦法第十三條第二項規定為例(Private Law Formative Administrative Disposition and Legal Protection against It: § 13 II of Rules about Taxi Passenger Services Application for Approval of Operating as an Example)
編著譯者: 陳淑芳
出版日期: 2013.07
刊登出處: 台灣/憲政時代第 39 卷 第 1 期/1-31 頁
頁  數: 21 點閱次數: 1672
下載點數: 84 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 陳淑芳
關 鍵 詞: 行政處分私法形成之行政處分形成私法之行政處分確認私法之行政處分單獨形成私法之行政處分參與形成私法之行政處分須經核准之法律行為法律救濟
中文摘要: 依行政程序法第 92 條第 1 項對於行政處分之定義,行政處分係指「行政機關就公法上具體事件所為之決定或其他公權力措施而對外直接發生法律效果之單方行政行為。」據此定義,行政處分成立的構成要素之一,乃須為對外直接發生法律效果之行為。只是此之對外發生法律效果不限於發生公法法律效果,也包括發生私法法律效果。而此種發生私法法律效果之行政處分,在學理上一般稱之為「私法形成之行政處分(privatrechtsgestaltender Verwaltungsakt)」。在我國亦有為數不少之私法形成之行政處分,在行政救濟實務上,亦有不少是針對私法形成之行政處分所提起之行政救濟。只是我國學說及實務極少留意到此種處分之特殊性,與有時須對其作特殊處理者。本文所欲探討的,即是私法形成之行政處分的概念及類型、其形成之背景因素及合憲性,與對其不服之救濟管道。
英文關鍵詞: Administrative DispositionPrivate Law Formative Administrative DispositionAdministrative Disposition to Form Private LawAdministrative Disposition to Confirm Private LawAdministrative Disposition Alone to Form Private LawAdministrative Disposition Participatory to Form Private LawApproval Needful Juristic ActLegal Protection
英文摘要: In accordance with the definition of administrative disposition in Article 92 section 1 of the Administrative Procedure Act is administrative disposition "a unilateral administrative act with direct external effects, rendered by an administrative authority in making a decision or taking other actions within its public authority, in respect of a specific matter in the area of public law." According to this definition,one of the constituent elements of establishment of administrative dispositions is an act with direct external effects. But this of direct external effects is not limited to the effect of public law, including the effect of private law. And this administrative disposition,that shapes private law effect, is called general "private law formative administrative disposition (privatrechtsgestaltender Verwaltungsakt)". There are a number of private law formative administrative dispositions in Taiwan,there are also many cases against a private law formative administrative disposition in the practice of administrative legal protection. The special feature of this disposition is observed in Taiwanese practice and teaching little. It is also rarely observed, that it needs to be treated a little differently. This article would explore the concept and type of private law formative administrative dispositions, the background factors about its coming into being, its constitutionality, and the legal protection against it.
目  次: 壹、前言
陳淑芳,私法形成之行政處分及其救濟-以計程車客運服務業申請核准經營辦法第十三條第二項規定為例,憲政時代,第 39 卷 第 1 期,1-31 頁,2013年07月。