關 鍵 詞: |
動物園;圈養動物;野生動物;動物福利;動物權;動物保育;虐待動物;人道處遇;動物教育;動物醫療 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Zoo;Captive Animal;Wild Animal;Animal Welfare;Animal Rights;Animal Protection;Animal Abuse;Animal Education;Animal Medicare;Animal Humane Treatment |
英文摘要: |
It is not easy to maintain a stable mind and physical well-being of captive animals while they are restricted in small cages and separated from other species. The zoos aim to provide educational exhibitions and animal conservation. However, due to the difficulties in managing wild animals, having a set of reasonable rules and regulations for managing zoo becomes one of the core issues regarding animal protection affairs. As the modern trend of animal conservation progresses, although the law establishment regarding animal rights of captive animals has failed temporarily, in the long run, zoo will inevitably be fully regulated, and the method will be stringent. Needless to say, management team of the zoo should put in their best endeavor from the get-go, including the application process, management method, professional staffs, financial status, space management, animal caring, etc., so that the management team can be prepared for all the unpredictable changes in animal law and regulation.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、動物園的意義及其目的 一、圈養野生動物 二、教育展示野生動物 參、動物園設置必要 一、解放動物園 (一)動物園環境不適合野生動物 (二)動物園誘發盜獵野生動物 (三)動物園傷害動物 (四)動物園不當繁殖動物 (五)動物園不當圈禁動物 (六)教育目的不彰 二、擁抱動物園 (一)園內優勢照養環境 (二)動物園社會教育意義 (三)鑑定與收容野生動物 三、動物園興革 肆、動物園經營管制原則 一、公開透明的動物園資訊 二、動物標識的必要性 三、動物園設立許可 伍、照養動物管制原則 一、提供動物適當生活空間 二、適當運送動物 三、繁殖園內動物 四、動物疾病醫療 五、動物人道處遇 (一)園內動物死亡原因 (二)人道宰殺方法 陸、結論
相關法條: |
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