關 鍵 詞: |
產品責任;產品品質責任;缺陷產品責任;原發性;比較法 |
中文摘要: |
中國大陸產品責任制度主要分為三大發展階段。在推行品質標準化管理過程中,首先在食品責任和藥品責任兩個領域,隨後在 1986 年《民法通則》原發性地建立起了「產品品質責任」,是第一個「趨同進化」階段。透過上個世紀 80 年代對歐美產品責任制度的比較法借鑑,在 1993 年《產品品質法》上建立起了改造後的「缺陷產品責任」,是第二個「雜交育種」階段。2009 年《侵權責任法》上對「產品品質責任」的延續與發展體現在無過錯不真正連帶責任結構、缺陷雙重判斷標準和產品自損納入賠償範圍三個方面,是第三個「基因遺傳」階段。
英文關鍵詞: |
Products Liability;Products Quality Liability;Liability for Defective Products;Originality;Comparative Law |
英文摘要: |
The development of the products liability system in Mainland China can be divided into three main phases. In the process of the implementation of standardizing quality management, firstly in the areas of foods liability and drugs liability, and then in the General Principles of Civil Law 1986, the "Products Quality Liability" was originally established. This phase is metaphorically regarded as eConvergent Evolution5. By taking the European and American products liability system as references in 1980s, a modified 'Liability for Defective Products' system was established in the Product Quality Law 1993. This phase is metaphorically regarded as 'Cross Breeding'. The 'Products Quality Liability' has been inherited and developed by the Tort Liability Law 2009 in three aspects, namely, the no-fault-quasi-joint liability structure, the double prongs of the test of defect, and the damage to the product itself included in the scope of compensation. This phase is metaphorically regarded as 'Genetic Inheritance'.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、「趨同進化」階段:1986 年《民法通則》原發性的「產品品質責任」 參、「雜交育種」階段:1993 年《產品品質法》改造後的「缺陷產品責任」 肆、「基因遺傳」階段:2009 年《侵權責任法》對「產品品質責任」的延續與發展
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