關 鍵 詞: |
身心障礙者權利公約;平等原則;不歧視;無障礙;可及性;合理調整;優惠性差別待遇 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities/CRPD;equal treatment;non-discrimination;barrier-free;accessibility;reasonable accommodation;affirmative action |
英文摘要: |
The Rights Protection Act for Persons with Disabilities and the concerning regulations and policies in Taiwan have long focused merely on non-discrimination, affirmative actions and social benefits. The right of persons with disabilities to equal participate in the society has never been taken seriously in law systems. Even according to the amendment article of the constitution in Taiwan, the state is obligated to realize the independent life of persons with disabilities, this norm has never been understood as their human rights. Accordingly the measures of accessibility in general and reasonable accommodations in individual cases which make the independence and autonomy of persons with disabilities possible fall into governmental discretions; also the discrimination and exclusion against persons with disabilities in private law have been insufficiently handled. This article aims to demonstrate the different models of equal principle, the de facto equality of CRPD on the one hand and the equality before law of the Article 7 of the Constitution in Taiwan on the other hand. This article is further conducted to analyze how to implement the model of de facto equality into the law systems in Taiwan by law reforms and legal interpretation in conformity with CRPD.
目 次: |
壹、導言 一、問題背景之說明 二、本文幾項重要概念說明 三、本文架構與研究範圍 貳、我國學說與實務對於身心障礙者平等的理解 一、憲法規範中的身心障礙者 二、法律規範中的身心障礙者 三、小結 參、聯合國身心障礙者權利公約的平等內涵 一、國際人權公約有關平等內涵之發展歷程 二、身心障礙者權利公約的平等概念 三、合理調整義務在內國法的實踐 肆、我國如何轉譯身心障礙者權利公約平等概念的幾個路徑 一、國家落實公約之途徑 二、身障者權利公約在我國法律體系中的定位以及如何加以適用 三、憲法層次的合公約解釋 四、法律層次的立法、修法與合於公約解釋 伍、結論
相關法條: |
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