關 鍵 詞: |
民法總則編修正;民法親屬編修正;民法繼承編修正;表見代理;消滅時效;權利行使原則;情事變更原則;不當得利;公同共有;事實上夫妻 |
中文摘要: |
本文以 2015 年我國民事實體法的立法與司法發展為論述對象。2015 年民事立法活動,有民法總則編、親屬編、繼承編部分條文修正,分別涉及失蹤人財產管理的法律適用、成年人監護制度上監護人資格的適度放寬、遺產管理人及遺囑執行人報酬制度的改革等。整體而言,其修正幅度不大,多屬技術性、細節性修正,未見立法政策重大更動。 至於以「最高法院裁判」為主的民事司法活動,案例多元豐富,問題層出不窮,見解不斷演進,廣泛涉及民事法各次領域重要議題,對民事法理論形成或實務應用,卓著貢獻。其中最值得注意的司法實務發展,如表見代理、消滅時效制度、權利行使原則、情事變更原則、不當得利類型化與準用規定、公同共有債權行使、事實上夫妻等相關問題的最新實務見解。
英文關鍵詞: |
amendment on Civil Code Part I General Principles;amendment on Civil Code Part IV Family;amendment on Civil Code Part V Succession;apparent authority;extinctive prescription;abuse of rights or principle of good faith;impracticability or frustration of purpose;unjust enrichment;ownership-in-common;de facto spouse |
英文摘要: |
This article is to review and examine the major development of Taiwanese civil law in 2015, mainly focusing on the legislative amendments and judicial practices. Generally, the legislative activities were not alive. By contrast, the courts energetically proposed many creative opinions in order to cater to the social changes. The amendments of the Civil Code concerned Part I General Principles, Part IV Family and Part V Succession. Some few articles were modified but they did not substantially involve any important policy reconsideration. Conversely, the judicial practices, especially the Supreme Court judgments, made a considerable number of inspiring and influential decisions concerning diverse issues of civil law. The main issues dealt with by the Court concerned as followed: apparent authority, extinctive prescription, abuse of rights or principle of good faith, impracticability or frustration of purpose, unjust enrichment, ownership-in-common, de facto spouse etc. From these decisions, the Court demonstrated how they adapted to the changing needs of transitional society.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、立法 一、總則編修正 二、親屬編修正 三、繼承編修正 參、司法 一、民法總論 二、債法 三、物權法 四、身分法 肆、結論
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