  • 社群分享
編著譯者: 楊智傑
出版日期: 2009.04
刊登出處: 台灣/科技法學評論第 6 卷 第 1 期/207-240 頁
頁  數: 24 點閱次數: 817
下載點數: 96 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 楊智傑
關 鍵 詞: 拜杜法政府資助大學研發成果專利科學技術基本法
中文摘要: 1980年開始美國透過拜杜法(Bayh-Dole Act)同意聯邦政府資助的研究案可以申請專利,造成了大學申請專利開始大幅增加,1979年美國大學共取得264項專利,1997年則共取得2,436項專利,成長近十倍。但這些取得專利的研究,很大一部分是關於生物醫學領域,而其中大部分都有接受聯邦政府資助,且大部分都是基礎研究或研究工具的專利。該法原本的用意,只是想要讓聯邦資助的研究能夠多一點商品化而不要被埋沒,但該法並沒有意識到大學很多研究都是基礎性的研究,其他的應用研究都必須植基於這些基礎研究之上,尤其是生物醫藥領域最是如此。因而,根本不需要專利的保護,大家也會去採用這些基礎研究,但就是因為給予了專利保護,反而造成了後續研發的阻礙,也阻礙了科學進步。本文即想重新檢討政府資助大學研發成果的專利政策,並以美國批判學者的論述為中心,看他們如何批判美國的拜杜法,並提供反省我國科學技術基本法第6條的規定。

英文關鍵詞: Bayh-Dole Actgovernment-funded researchpatentScience and Technology Basic Law
英文摘要: In 1980, through the beginning of the U.S. Bayh-Dole Act, the federal government-funded research can apply for a patent. It resulting in a significant increase of patent application by universities. The number of patents granted in 1979 was 264 patents, while in 1997 the number is 2,436, which grows nearly 10 times. However, most of these patents were on the biomedical field, and most of them are funded by the federal government. More important, most of them are basic research or research tool patents. The original intent of Bayh-Dole Act was to encourage federally funded research be more commercialized. However, the legislators do not realize that a lot of university research is fundamental research. Fundamental research is basis of further applied research, particularly in the field of biomedicine. Thus, there is no need to grant patent on basic research. If the basis research patent protection granted, the follow-up research and development will be hindered, which impede scientific progress. In this paper, the author reviews the patent policy of government-funded university research, and intrudes some critics of Bayh-Dole Act. In the final, the author will examines of Taiwan,s Science and Technology Basic Law section 6.

目  次: 1. 前言
2. 拜杜法的理由與反駁
3. 在生物醫學與生物科技領域的反省
4. 資助機關的權力與修法建議
5. 以學術共享精神檢討大學專利政策
6. 結論
楊智傑,反省美國拜杜法的理論與經驗,科技法學評論,第 6 卷 第 1 期,207-240 頁,2009年04月。