關 鍵 詞: |
營業自由;鄰人保護;主觀公權利;使用分區;鄰避設施 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Business Freedom;Neighbor Protection;Subjective Rights;Zoning;NIMBY Facilities |
英文摘要: |
In our modern lives, individuals rely on specific business activities to fulfill their daily needs; however these business activities could result in undesirable consequences and adequate laws should be used to protect the quality of life. To probe the relationship between business activities and their neighborhood in administrative law, this article starts with the theory standard protection (Schutznormtheorie) and investigates the subjective rights of neighbors. In applying the theory of standard protection, local governments utilize zoning rights during urban planning, which serve as a prerequisite for implementing planning law. Secondly, three important points about neighbors, including their procedural and substantive claim rights protection as well how to practice, are discussed. In the procedural aspect, there is limited protection for neighbors with current regulations and explanations. Ftom the perspective of substantive law, the author proposed general and partial neighborhood protections; the former directly grants neighbors the protection of claim rights, while the later uses environmental protection guidelines and “intolerability” as references for claim rights protection in cases. Lastly, from the perspective of rights protection, a judicial review, may be incorporated in the proceedings of abatement action; administrative action is sufficient to strengthen the protection of neighbors ex post facto.
目 次: |
壹、前言與問題意識 一、若干爭議性案例之提出 二、營業行為與相鄰人之關係 貳、應用保護規範理論之先決問題 一、司法院釋字第 469 號解釋之理解 二、界定鄰人保護之法律 三、解釋方法與司法實務 參、民眾參與程序中之鄰人保護 一、計畫法上程序參與權 二、建築法上程序參與 肆、實體法上一般性保護規範 一、計畫法上利益權衡條款 二、細部計畫使用分區之劃定 三、未發布細部計畫地區 四、建築法上規定 伍、實體法上局部性鄰人保護 一、客觀注意層面 二、主觀上注意請求權 陸、相鄰人之權利保護 一、撤銷訴訟 二、課予義務訴訟 三、給付訴訟 四、暫時權利保護 五、結果除去請求權 柒、結論
相關法條: |
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