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我國妨害司法公正罪之再建構(Reconstructing the Crime of Obstruction of Justice)
編著譯者: 邱忠義
出版日期: 2017.05.05
刊登出處: 台灣/月旦法學雜誌第 265 期/5-35 頁
頁  數: 30 點閱次數: 1455
下載點數: 120 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 邱忠義
關 鍵 詞: 妨害司法公正藐視法庭罪不實陳述罪禁聲令不法勸說不法關說
中文摘要: 國內學界及司法人員對於妨害司法公正行為的態度,一般均傾向於消極地應對,但我們發現國內多數民眾卻對妨害司法公正行為感到極為厭惡。
英文關鍵詞: Obstruction of JusticeContempt of CourtFalse StatementsGag OrderCorruptly Persuades
英文摘要: Generally Domestic scholars and judicial personnel on the attitude of obstruction of justice tend to respond negatively; however, this article revealed that the majority of citizens in this country expressed their revulsion to obstruction of justice acts. It is obvious that if the problem of obstruction of justice cannot be solved, it will undermine the belief in the impartiality of the judicial system.
In order to establish the authority and impartiality of the judicial system and to ensure due process of law, this article concludes that people’s trust in the judicial investigations and trials must base on due process of law to discover the truth. The investigation authorities should strictly comply with the principles aforementioned. The defendant or the holders of relevant evidence should assist in discovering the truth on account of the act and omission obligation. Anyone who violates the truth obligation by unlawful means and thus impair the impartiality of the judiciary should be subjected to considerable sanctions, to protect against contamination judicial and make people convinced.
Due to these grounds, this article comparing Taiwan legal system with the American counterpart, and after research, found that there remains a number of loopholes in the law of obstruction of justice that needs to be closed. Therefore, the author of this article puts forward some proposals to amend the Taiwanese criminal law, hoping to invite domestic academia, Judicial Officers and other legal persons to review, reflect on, and provide some lessons from this study to the legislature to plug these loopholes.
目  次: 壹、重建妨害司法公正罪之必要性
邱忠義,我國妨害司法公正罪之再建構,月旦法學雜誌,第 265 期,5-35 頁,2017年05月05日。