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記憶或遺忘,抑或相忘於網路-從歐洲法院被遺忘權判決,檢視資訊時代下的個人資料保護(Remember, Forget or Be Forgotten on the Internet: Review the Personal Data Protection in the Digital Age Based on the Decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union Regarding the Right to be Forgotten)
編著譯者: 張志偉
出版日期: 2017.03
刊登出處: 台灣/政大法學評論第 148 期/1-68 頁
頁  數: 44 點閱次數: 2685
下載點數: 176 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 張志偉
關 鍵 詞: 歐洲法院被遺忘權人格權資料保護
中文摘要: 歐洲法院(Europäischer Gerichtshof, EuGH)在二○一四年五月針對網路上的個人資料保護作成指標性判決,判定只要該當事人享有資料保護法上的刪除請求權,搜尋引擎業者Google即負有義務,將特定連結從其搜尋結果列上移除。文獻與媒體報導多簡稱為「被遺忘權」判決。本文旨在介紹並分析此一歐洲法院指標性裁判,並針對判決所肯認「特定搜尋結果不予顯示之請求權」(Anspruch auf Nichtanzeige bestimmter Suchergebnisse,下稱為「被遺忘權」)的論據加以探討。對此判決有基礎瞭解後,則試圖從我國憲法及德國基本法規範中探求該請求權的憲法基礎及其衡量因素;再者,本文亦探討如何將此一請求權具體落實於法律;最末則是評釋我國法院關於被遺忘權裁判,借鏡歐洲法院裁判的論理,探討個人資料保護法制上可能的繼受途徑,以作為本文的結論與展望。

英文關鍵詞: European Court of Justicethe Right to be ForgottenMoral RightsData Protection
英文摘要: In May 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union (the "CJEU") issued a landmark judgment regarding the protection of personal data on the internet. According to the judgment, so long as the data subject has the right to request to remove his/her person data under the data protection laws, Google─the search engine company─is obliged to remove the links containing personal data from the search result list. The ruling has been dubbed the "right to be forgotten" by many academic literature and news reports. This article aims to introduce and analyze the landmark judgment of the European Court aforementioned. The basis of the "right to have specific search results not be displayed" (hereinafter referred to as the "right to be forgotten") recognized by the judgment is also discussed in detail. After laying out the basic understanding of the judgment, the constitutional basis and the factors to be considered in the balancing test from Taiwan's Constitution and German Basic Law are further explored in this research. In addition, the legislation and the implementation of the constitutional right is discussed. The final part of this research examines the court ruling regarding the right to be forgotten. For the conclusion and outlook, this article—having examined the court ruling—makes reference to the reasoning of the European court and explores the possible way to inherit the personal data protection law from the CJEU.

目  次: 壹、問題意識:從移除職棒假球搜尋結果案說起
貳、歐洲法院 Google 被遺忘權判決-關於個人資料保護與人格權的指標案例
張志偉,記憶或遺忘,抑或相忘於網路-從歐洲法院被遺忘權判決,檢視資訊時代下的個人資料保護,政大法學評論,第 148 期,1-68 頁,2017年03月。