關 鍵 詞: |
隱私權;業務上正當行為;新聞自由;公共利益;相當理由 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Right to Privacy;Proper Conduct Performed in the Course of Business;Press Freedom;Public Interest;Probable Cause |
英文摘要: |
This article aims to discuss whether a reporter who gathers information by invading other’s privacy and makes reports upon it could be justified. Taiwan’s Supreme Court found such conduct justified on account of reporter’s press freedom. Rather than this opinion, the author argues that, according to Article 22 of Taiwan’s Criminal Code, the justification ground employed preferentially should be “Proper Conduct Performed in the Course of Business”. Therefore, in prior to conducting invasion of privacy for the sack of gathering news material, a reporter should collect some objective evidence inferring that the investigated event ought to be related to public interest. Such standard can also be applied to decide if reporter’s usage of materials gathered through privacy invasion could be lawful.
目 次: |
壹、導論 貳、最高法院判決的發展動向 一、記者採訪行為侵害隱私法益 二、記者報導行為 三、小結 參、新聞自由與業務上正當行為的關係 一、新聞自由作為阻卻違法事由? 二、業務上正當行為的適用可能與成立條件 三、記者活動與業務上正當行為 四、小結 肆、新聞取材與隱私保護 一、新聞取材侵害隱私的衡平性判斷 二、新聞取材侵害隱私的發動門檻 伍、新聞報導與隱私保護 一、無故要素及阻卻違法事由的考量必要性 二、記者報導行為的業務正當性 陸、結論
相關法條: |
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