關 鍵 詞: |
評議會;陳述及申辯;閱覽卷宗權;客觀性義務;合義務性裁量;復議 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Appraisal Meeting;Statements and Defense;Read the File Rights;Objective Obligation;Compulsory Discretion;Reconsideration |
英文摘要: |
The current Punishment review system of the Military, reinforcing the provisions of the old law , is to avoid the monopoly of executive power by raising the level of holding members and asking for the requirements of the sex ratio of members and the participation of legal professionals. However, the provisions are inadequate to regulate the whole contents of the Punishment review system completely, and it may lead to the trouble of the implementation of practical. Through the overall observation, this paper puts forward suggestions on the legal system and views on the practical implementation level from the perspectives of the convening of the council, the composition of the members, the proceeding of the procedure and the approval of the resolution due to the view of the protection of the procedural interests of perpetrators not only strengthening the function of the befordhand process but also fulfilling the purport of human rights protection.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、懲罰決定程序概述 一、以輕重懲罰種類為界定標準 (一)較重懲罰 (二)較輕懲罰 二、懲罰決定程序的分與合 參、懲罰評議程序的開啟與進行 一、輕重懲罰的判準與評議會之召開 (一)輕重懲罰為判準的立法目的 (二)先輕重判準再組評議會的先後倒置 二、評議會之組成 (一)召開層級 (二)組成時機 (三)委員遴選資格 (四)委員之迴避 三、行為人之準備期間 四、評議會召開程序 (一)行為人程序參與權 1. 陳述及申辯機會 2. 受告知權與閱覽卷宗權 (二)服務單位派員列席說明與備詢 (三)評議會之職責 1. 正確認定事實、適用法律 2. 委員調閱卷宗 3. 評議會之義務 五、評議會之議決 (一)投票程序 1. 議決票數計算方式與主席參與投票時機 2. 委員意見三說以上均未過半數之解決 (二)決議事項 六、權責長官的核定權限 (一)交回復議權 (二)加註理由變更權 (三)對評議會決議性質界定之影響 七、復議程序的整體觀察 (一)應由原評議會成員進行復議程序 (二)程序應重新進行 (三)權責長官不得任意變更程序 肆、結論
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