關 鍵 詞: |
國際法;刑事立法;調和化;組織犯罪;貪腐犯罪;洗錢;資恐 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
International Law;Criminal Legislation;Harmonization;Organized Crime;Corruption;Money Laundering;Financing of Terrorism. |
英文摘要: |
This article aims to explore the recent criminal legislation in the light of the impacts from international law’s adaption. The main point will focus on the influence of international law on Taiwan’s criminal law as well as the responding strategies of Taiwan’s legislators. Although Taiwan lacks in international participation, the Taiwanese legislator still tries to incorporate international law into the provisions of criminal code. However, this development might bring about the illegitimate expansion of criminal sanctions. In order to restrict the punishment, the author classifies incorporation of international law into criminal legislation as three different modes, including a reason reference model, an implement act model and a district organization model, then discussing how the Taiwanese legislator could face the political pressure of incorporation of international law on the one hand. In addition to the abstract discussions of theoretical aspects, the author will also comment the recent criminal legislation on Organized Crime Prevention Act, Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act, Anti-Corruption Act, Money Laundering Control Act, Terrorism Financing Prevention Act as well as the interpretation of ICCPR in Taiwan’s criminal practice.
目 次: |
壹、導論 貳、國際法規範與內國刑事立法的衝突與調和 一、國際政治壓力作為整合需求的源頭 二、國際法規範調和需求對刑法系統的影響 三、刑事法基本原則作為因應策略 四、三種國際法規範的調和機制 五、小結 參、理由參考型的刑事立法應對 一、立法政策選擇的界限 二、組織犯罪防制條例修正評析 肆、內國施行法型的刑事立法應對 一、自發性內國法義務的界限 二、兩公約限制刑罰的效果 三、兒童權利公約與兒少性交易的處罰疑義 四、反貪腐公約與貪污治罪條例的修正 伍、區域組織型的刑事立法應對 一、應對入罪化國際政治壓力的策略 二、洗錢防制法 三、資恐防制法 陸、結論
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