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勞工隱私權之保護:以日本法上勞動關係存續中勞工健康資訊之隱私保護為中心(Protection for Employees' Privacy: Aimed at Protection for Employees' Right to Their Health Information in a Continuous Employment Relationship in Japan)
編著譯者: 徐婉寧
出版日期: 2017.12
刊登出處: 台灣/國立臺灣大學法學論叢第 46 卷 第 4 期/1953-2013 頁
頁  數: 61 點閱次數: 2172
下載點數: 244 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 徐婉寧
關 鍵 詞: 隱私權個人資料保護法個人資訊敏感資料就業服務法健康資訊
中文摘要: 臺灣的雇主於勞動關係中,為便於進行人事管理,常有蒐集勞工個人資料之必要;且為了確保勞工之安全及預防職業災害的發生,職業安全衛生法等勞動法令亦課以雇主實施健康檢查等以了解勞工健康狀況之義務。然而,雇主對於勞工個人情報之蒐集,並非全無限制,仍須注意其是否有侵害勞工隱私權或違反個人資料保護法規範之情事。
而我國民法第 483 條之 1 要求雇主負擔對勞工之保護照顧義務,且職業安全衛生法第 20 條規定,雇主僱用勞工時,應實施體格檢查、對在職勞工應施行健康檢查;同法第 30 條並規定雇主不得使妊娠中的女性勞工從事法定之危險性或有害性工作。則雇主於蒐集勞工之病歷等敏感資料或詢問其是否懷孕時,若違反勞工之意願,探究其不欲為人所知之健康、醫療資訊,或命勞工接受法定項目外之健康檢查時,是否已經侵害勞工隱私權,而成立侵權行為責任?或認為此為雇主履行其法定義務所必需,而勞工有忍受之義務?此等問題,實有深入探討之必要。
英文關鍵詞: privacyPDPApersonal informationsensitive informationEmployment Service Acthealth information
英文摘要: Employers in Taiwan, for the purpose of human resource management, generally have a need to collect employees' personal information. Additionally, in order to ensure employees' safety and protect them from occupational accidents, the labor laws and regulations, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Act, require the employers to implement measures including arrangement for health examinations to understand the employees' health conditions. However, employers' right to collect the employees' personal information is not unlimited, and the employers should be aware whether such collection will infringe the employees' privacy or violate any regulations under the Personal Data Protection Act.
Article 483-1 of Taiwan's Civil Law provides for the duty of protection and care of employers to employees. In addition, Article 20 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act requires that the employers conduct pre-employment physical examinations for laborers at the time of employment and conduct certain health examinations for currently-employed laborers. Furthermore, according to Article 30 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employers shall not assign a pregnant female laborer to perform any potentially dangerous or harmful task. Thus, under the circumstances when the employers collect the employees' sensitive health information such as medical records, or inquire whether they are pregnant, or investigate about their health and medical information against their will, or order the employees to undergo health examinations beyond the scope required under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, do the employers violate the privacy of the employees and shall bear any liability for infringement? Or is such act considered necessary to implement the employers' statutory duty and therefore the employees have the obligation to endure? Such issues are very important and shall be explored further.
Nonetheless, there are very few research reports related to this subject matter in Taiwan. This research project will use Japanese laws in relation to the protection of employees' right to their health information as the source material for making a comparative study. It will begin with introducing the establishment and development of the concept of privacy, and go on with exploring the relationship between privacy and personal information protection law. Finally, it will discuss the obstacles that we have faced in protecting the employees' privacy in an employment relationship and try to delineate the borderline of privacy protection as well as make reflections on this subject matter.
目  次: 壹、前言
徐婉寧,勞工隱私權之保護:以日本法上勞動關係存續中勞工健康資訊之隱私保護為中心,國立臺灣大學法學論叢,第 46 卷 第 4 期,1953-2013 頁,2017年12月。